😷 Report Generator for GAL ( SARS-COV-2 )
That project has been developed to support Rio de Janeiro's health professionals to control the data about PCR-RT. Generating reports, getting data, generating knowledge...
The objective of that project is to generate reports from GAL (Gerenciador de Ambiente Laboratorial - Laboratory Environment Manager) to help control the administration of PCR diagnosis (SWAB).
This project requires a Python 3 distribution, the sys library, the xlsxwriter library the Urllib3 library and the requests library.
* Python 3
* Requests Library
* Urllib3 Library
* Sys
* Xlsxwriter
This library is very easy to use. First, import the class.
>>> from gal_crawler import get_swab_result
After import the class, initialize with an initial date, a final date and your GAL's PHPSESSIONID cookie.
>>> crawler = get_swab_result(init_date="12/04/2021", end_date="01/05/2021", PHPSESSID="1M_A_C00K13")
Otherwise, you can set load as True. So, the program will request you to inform an archive which contains a list of ips separated with a break line.
>>> crawler = get_swab_result(load=True, PHPSESSID="1M_A_C00K13")
"Enter with the name of the archive that contains a list of ids separated with break line: "
So, when you want to capture data from the server, call the run method and wait from the end of execution.
>>> crawler.run()
Note: That method will return False if an error occurred or True if run correctly.
After the run, you can save the captured data with the method save_output. That method receive and string which contains the name of the archive. The archive will be exported as an Excel file.
>>> crawler.save_output("output")
The code will look something like this:
>>> from gal_crawler import get_swab_result
>>> crawler = get_swab_result(init_date="12/04/2021", end_date="01/05/2021", PHPSESSID="1M_A_C00K13")
>>> crawler.run()
>>> crawler.save_output("output")
>>> from gal_crawler import get_swab_result
>>> crawler = get_swab_result(load=True, PHPSESSID="1M_A_C00K13")
"Enter with the name of the archive that contains a list of ids separated with break line:" "archive.txt"
>>> crawler.run()
>>> crawler.save_output("output")
The PHPSESSID is a very important cookie for that application. Otherwise, the crawler will don't have permission to access the GAL's data. Now, I'll show how you can get that precious cookie.
- That solution has been developed for health professionals and it can expose confidential data from citizens. Please, take careful!