Advice: If using rancher desktop, please disable traefik installation, this distribution relies upon the kong ingress gateway. Whilst the two can coexist given sufficient load balancer resources, it is less confusing to install only one.
Update chart with
helm dependency update ./ki-selfhost-operator (Or build)
helm package quire ki-selfhost-operator
helm repo index .
Can be run stand-alone or installed by the selfhost operator.
Needs kong gateway, pgo and elasticsearch as dependencies.
The following command installs PGO and uses it to manage postgres installations in any namespace created with pgo-managed=true
helm install pgo oci:// \
--namespace pgo \
--create-namespace \
--set global.namespace="" \
--set pgo.namespaceSelector.matchLabels.pgo-managed=true
Create managed namespaces with the command
kubectl create namespace namespace1
kubectl label namespace namespace1 pgo-managed=true
We use the managed namespace approach in case there is a need/desire to switch to CloudNativePG in the future.
helm repo add kong
helm repo update kong
helm install kong-operator kong/gateway-operator \
--namespace kong-operator \
helm repo add elastic
helm repo update
helm install elastic-operator elastic/eck-operator -n elastic-system --create-namespace