Weather-Go is wrapper for OpenWeatherMap API. This project is inspired by wttr. Weather-Go supports various information representation like JSON and emojified JSON weather.
This project is dockerized. Run the project with the following command:
docker-compose up -d
PS: A Nginx container is used for deploy the dockerized project.
This project uses two ENV
- Project exposed port:
- OpenWeatherMap API key:
Weather-Go current endpoints:
- Current weather
- By city:
- By zipcode:
- By coordinates:
- By city:
- Moon phase is available as custom parameter
- 7 days Forecasting endpoint:
- By coordinates:
- By coordinates:
Weather-Go currently supports these formats:
- Emojified JSON
For receive the desired format, you have to add the format
query parameter.
The JSON format was re-format from original OpenWeatherMap response.
JSON format input: ?format=json
"currentWeather": {
"coord": {
"lon": "-0.13",
"lat": "51.51"
"weather": {
"main": "Clear",
"description": "clear sky"
"visibility": "6.00 Km/h",
"wind": {
"speed": "7.56 Km/h",
"degree": "60°"
"country": "GB",
"city": "London",
"timezone": "1 UTC",
"sunrise": "4/16/2020, 06:01 AM",
"sunset": "4/16/2020, 07:58 PM"
You can use the emojified JSON format feature:
- Format 1:
- Format input:
. - Response:
{ "currentWeather": "🌑 4.43°C" }
- Format input:
- Format 2:
- Format input:
. - Response:
{ "currentWeather": "🌑 🌡️4.43°C 🌬️↗7.56 Km/h" }
- Format input:
- Format 3:
- Format input:
. - Response:
{ "currentWeather": "London: 🌑 4.28°C" }
- Format input:
- Format 4:
- Format input:
. - Response:
{ "currentWeather": "Detroit: ⛅ 🌡️-1.00°C 🌬️↓11.16 Km/h" }
- Format input:
Custom parameters can be used if the response format is emojified JSON.
h 💧 Humidity
p ⤵️ Pressure in hPa
w 🌬️ Wind speed in Km/h
wd ↙ Wind direction
t 🌡️ Temperature in Celsius
l City name
c Country code
sr 🌇 Sunrise
ss 🌆 Sunset
mp 🌘 Moon phase
The custom
query parameter has to be provided. You can concatenate them!
Request: /London?format=1&custom=h,sr,ss,t,mp
"currentWeather": "⛅ 2.41°C",
"custom": {
"humidity": "💧37%",
"sunrise": "🌇06:48 AM",
"sunset": "🌆08:14 PM",
"temperature": "🌡️2.41°C",
"moonPhase": {
"emoji": "🌘",
"name": "Waning crescent",
"ilumination": "14.91%"
Weather-Go provides forecasting by Coordinates. All output formats and custom parameters are are available!