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JavaScript code to simplify the usage of JSXGraph in moodle formulas question type


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Formulas extension for Moodle JSXGraph filter

The moodle question type formulas, see also, allows to create questions containing random values and multiple answer fields. This extension was created for the Moodle JSXGraph filter and is used to use JSXGraph constructions in formulas questions. It supplies the transfer of values between the formulas question and JSXGraph constructions.

About JSXGraph

JSXGraph is a cross-browser JavaScript library for interactive geometry, function plotting, charting, and data visualization in the web browser. JSXGraph is implemented in pure JavaScript and does not rely on any other library. Special care has been taken to optimize the performance.

Have a look at

About Moodle JSXGraph filter

The Moodle JSXGraph filter is a plugin for Moodle to enable function plotting and dynamic geometry constructions with JSXGraph within a Moodle platform.

The plugin for Moodle also contains these files.


This extension does not need to be installed separately. Instead, it is already included in the Moodle filter and is delivered with it.

Follow the installation instructions here.


The formulas extension is used within a JSXGraph tag. To do this, either the global setting "formulasextension" must be activated in the filter


or the tag must contain the attribute ext_formulas:

<jsxgraph width="500" height="500" ext_formulas>

Insert a board into a question

To use a JSXGraph board in a formulas question, first create a question in this category. Then follow the steps below:

  1. As usual, assign a meaningful name for the question.
  2. Variables can be defined for the use of formulas. Do this in the "Variables" section. A detailed example of this can be found below.
  3. Write a question in "Question text".
  4. In "Part 1" define the inputs. Several inputs can be defined with [...] under "Answer".
  5. Under "Part's text" a JSXGraph board can now be integrated in the usual filter notation. If the extension is not activated globally, the tag attribute "ext_formulas" must be used.
    • Warning: the code that is inside the <jsxgraph> tag must now be declared within a function.
    • Finally, this function is transferred to an object of the JSXQuestion class with the following call:
      <jsxgraph width="500" height="500" ext_formulas>
          var jsxGraphCode = function (question) { ... };
          new JSXQuestion(BOARDID, jsxGraphCode);
      More information on using the JSXQuestion class can be found below.
    • Within the function jsxGraphCode the object of the class JSXQuestion can be accessed via the parameter question and its variables and methods can be used. An overview of this can be found below.

Insert more than one board into a question

As in a normal Moodle site, you can also use several boards in a formulas question. The JSXQuestion class even offers a number of helpful methods for this case.

To use multiple boards, you can proceed in the same way as above with one board. In contrast to point 5, you must note the following:

  • Always hand over all boards that were declared in the tag. The best way to do this is to use the BOARDIDS array. E.g.:

    <jsxgraph width="500" height="500" numberOfBoards="2" ext_formulas>
        var jsxGraphCode = function (question) { ... };
        new JSXQuestion(BOARDIDS, jsxGraphCode);
  • As attributes and methods for JSXQuestion you should now use the following in your code:

    • In the attribute BOARDID (= firstBOARDID) only the ID of the first board is saved. BOARDIDS contains all IDs as an array.

    • The attribute board (= firstBoard) also only contains the reference to the first board. Use the boards array instead.

    • The method initBoards initializes all given boards, just like the old initBoard. The only difference is that initBoard only returns the first board, initBoards all as an array.

      Attention! Use the initBoards method of the JSXQuestion class instead of JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard, because with our method all attributes are automatically set to the correct value in the JSXQuestion object. How to assign different attributes to the individual boards can be read under Methods.

    • All other attributes and methods can be used normally.

    • We aditionally offer the functions addChildsAsc and addChildsDesc to link the boards (see Methods).

Using the class JSXQuestion


The constructor new JSXQuestion(boardIDs, jsxGraphCode, allowInputEntry, decimalPrecision) of class JSXQuestion takes the following parameters:

{String | String[ ]} boardIDs ID of the HTML element containing the JSXGraph board. The board can be addressed within a tag using the constant BOARDID. Therefore this parameter has to be set to BOARDID. If more than one board is used, the array BOARDIDS must be given.
{Function} jsxGraphCode JavaScript function containing the construction code. The function must expect the object of class JSXQuestion as input.
{Boolean} allowInputEntry Optional, Default: false Should the original inputs from formulas be displayed and linked to the construction?
If this parameter is false, the input fields for users are hidden.
If it is set to true, the inputs are displayed and linked to the construction, so that the function jsxGraphCode(...) is executed again if there is a change in an input field.
{Number} decimalPrecision Optional, Default: 2 Number of digits to round to.


{String[ ]} BOARDIDS IDs of the involved boards in an array.
{String} firstBOARDID
{String} BOARDID (deprecated)
ID of the first board.
{JXG.Board[ ]} boards Array with the stored JSXGraph boards.
{JXG.Board} firstBoard
{JXG.Board} board (deprecated)
Stored first JSXGraph board.
{HTMLElement[ ]} inputs Stores the input tags from the formulas question.
{Boolean} isSolved Indicator if the question has been solved.


{JXG.Board} initAndAddBoard(id, attributes)

      {String} id
      {Object} attributes [default: {}]
Initializes and adds one board to the boards array. The id must be part of the BOARDIDS array. The resulting board, which is also returned, is added to boards at this index where id is in the array BOARDIDS. If a board already exists for this id, it will be deleted.
{JXG.Board[ ]} initBoards(attributes)

      {Object | Object[ ]} attributes [default: {}]
Initializes the board(s), saves it/them in the attributes of JSXQuestion and returns an array of boards. For this, the object in attributes is forwarded to the function JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(...). The string passed during initialization of JSXQuestion object is used as the id for the board. If two parameters are specified (as in the specification of JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(...)), the first parameter is ignored.
attributes can also be an array of attribute objects. If there are given fewer attributes than there are boards, the first attributes are used as standard.
The attribute boards is cleared and new initialized in this method.
{JXG.Board[ ]} initBoard(firstParam, secondParam)

      {String | Object | Object[ ]} firstParam
      {Object | Object[ ]} secondParam
If firstParam is an string or an single (attributes-) object, this function call is forwarded to initAndAddBoard. Otherwise this function is an alias for initBoards.
For backward compatibility.
{void} addChildsAsc() Calls the function addChild ascending for each board. After this function boards[0] is child of boards[1], boards[1] is child of boards[2] etc.
{void} addChildsDesc() Calls the function addChild descending for each board. After this function boards[0] is parent of boards[1], boards[1] is parent of boards[2] etc.
{void} bindInput(inputNumber, valueFunction)

      {Number} inputNumber
      {Function} valueFunction
Links the board to the inputs. If a change has been made in the board, the input with the number inputNumber is assigned the value that the function valueFunction() returns.
{void} set(inputNumber, value)

      {Number} inputNumber
      {Number} value
Fill input element of index inputNumber of the formulas question with value.
{void} setAllValues(values)

      {Number[ ]} values
Set values for all formulas input fields. The array values contains the values in the appropriate order.
{Number} get(inputNumber, defaultValue)

      {Number} inputNumber
      {Number} defaultValue [default: 0]
Get the content of input element of index inputNumber of the formulas question as number. If the value of the input could not be read or is not a number the optional defaultValue is returned.
{Number[ ]} getAllValues(defaultValues)

      {Number | Number[ ]} defaultValues [default: 0]
Fetch all values from the formulas input fields. If the value of the input could not be read or is not a number the optional entry of the array defaultValues is returned.
{void} reload()
{void} update()
Reload the construction by executing the given function jsxGraphCode.


Consider the following formulas question:


The students should drag the red points such that the blue curve has the equation y = 2x + 10. After having done so, the student clicks on the Check-button to check the correctness of the solution. The correct solution is


The above question can be realized with formulas by supplying the following data:

screen 3

The variable a takes a random value out of the set {2, 3} and the variable b takes a random value out of the set {10, 20}. Since the student has to compute ax+b for the values 1, 2, 3, 4, the correct values are precomputed in the global variables y1, y2, y3, y4. As correct answer we demand from the student the four values: [y1, y2, y3, y4]. If the question does not use JSXGraph there would be four input fields for the answers.

screen 4

Without JSXGraph the student would have to type the four numbers of the solution into four input fields. Now this question is enriched with a JSXgraph construction. This can be done by adding the following code into the field "Part's text" in Part 1:

<jsxgraph width="400" height="400" ext_formulas>

    // JavaScript code to create the construction.
    var jsxCode = function (question) {

        // Import the initial y-coordinates of the four points from formulas
        var t1, t2, t3, t4;
        [t1, t2, t3, t4] = question.getAllValues();

        // Initialize the construction
        var board = question.initBoard(BOARDID, {
                boundingbox: [-0.5, 35, 5.5, -5],
                showCopyright: true,
                showNavigation: true
        // Four invisible, vertical lines
        var line1 = board.create('segment', [[1,-5], [1,35]], {visible:false}),
            line2 = board.create('segment', [[2,-5], [2,35]], {visible:false}),
            line3 = board.create('segment', [[3,-5], [3,35]], {visible:false}),
            line4 = board.create('segment', [[4,-5], [4,35]], {visible:false});

        // The four points fixated to the lines, called 'gliders'.
        var point_attr = {fixed: question.isSolved, snapToGrid: true, withLabel: false},
            p = [];
        p.push(board.create('glider', [1, t1, line1], point_attr));
        p.push(board.create('glider', [2, t2, line2], point_attr));
        p.push(board.create('glider', [3, t3, line3], point_attr));
        p.push(board.create('glider', [4, t4, line4], point_attr));

        // The polygonal chain, aka. polyline, through the four points
        board.create('polygonalchain', p, {borders: {strokeWidth: 3}});

        // Whenever the construction is altered the values of the points are sent to formulas.
        question.bindInput(0, () => { return p[0].Y(); });
        question.bindInput(1, () => { return p[1].Y(); });
        question.bindInput(2, () => { return p[2].Y(); });
        question.bindInput(3, () => { return p[3].Y(); });

    // Execute the JavaScript code.
    new JSXQuestion(BOARDID, jsxCode, /* if you want to see inputs: */ true);



All bugs, feature requests, feedback, etc., are welcome.


The project is based on work by Tim Kos and Marc Bernart. At the moment it is developed by The Center of Mobile Learning with Digital Technology (contact: Alfred Wassermann and Andreas Walter).


See here.


JavaScript code to simplify the usage of JSXGraph in moodle formulas question type







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