This repo is our final project for Carnegie Mellon University course 15-618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming, Spring 2023. Key contributors are Matthew Booker and Jaekyung Song.
We parallelized Conflict Based Search (CBS) in multiple different ways, each with its own branch. The key ones are:
- HDA_SAS: implementation of Hash Distributed A-star (HDA) using Shared Address Space (SAS) model. Used to parallelize the low-level search of CBS
- parallel_cbs_naive: parallelization of the high level search of CBS. Each core is given a subtree to expand and search within
- parallel_cbs_v2.0: parallelization of high level serach of CBS. Cores will generate and share work, focusing on the best nodes in the constraints tree and balancing workload
Website for this project can be found here