This toolchain allows the collection of datasets on assigned IPv6 reverse DNS records. Furthermore, we include various tools for the subsequent analysis of the obtained data. As this is academic code (read: horrific code quality, but it works (for certain values of working)) we strongly advise everyone to implement this themself. If you are unable to do so, you probably should not play with this. :-)
You can find a more in-depth description of this work in the following publication and talk:
Something From Nothing (There): Collecting Global IPv6 Datasets From DNS, Tobias Fiebig, Kevin Borgolte, Shuang Hao, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna, accepted for PAM (Passiv and Active Measurement) Conference 2017, Sydney
You can -j REJECT but you can not hide: Global scanning of the IPv6 Internet, Tobias Fiebig, Kevin Borgolte, Shuang Hao, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna, 33C3---33rd Chaos Communication Congress 2017, Hamburg
The supplied tools are mostly ugly Python 2.6 and even more ugly shell. Please give a read and adjust the paths and variables as they should be on your system.
This tooling heavily relies on GNU parallel. However, older versions may have some unintended side-effects, filling up your disk, so make sure that you use the newest versions.
For reading the seed BGP dumps we utilize a tool supplied by the RIPE NCC. You can find it here:
Gets an zone of any given length and then enumerates it up until a certain length
./ $ip6.arpa_zone $DNS_Server $desired_length
Similar to, but resolves to terminal records. Prints JSON formated output.
Usage: $ip6.arpa_zone $DNS_Server $numeric_experiment_identifier
Main processing script. Implements 4 nibble wide breadth-first steps. Read the script before running it!
Similar to, but using the initial step-sizes (32 -> 48 -> 64 -> 128).
Convenient envelop script handling a little bit of output.
Script used to test for valid unicast IPv6 prefixes from bgpdump.
Blacklist for zones; see file for an example.
Small script reading JSON as in the output files from stdin, outputting a more readable (and scanable) form.
Funny tool eating output JSON from stdin, building a .dot graph description file for stdout with errors on stderr. Best visualized with Gephi. ( Beware: This code just barely works, and is extremly ugly.
Script plotting nibble frequency, reads output JSON from a file.
The supplied tools are provided under a 2-clause BSD licence; Please see the individual files for the specific licence.