This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 16, 2020. It is now read-only.
Releases: josmardias/gurpsjs
Releases · josmardias/gurpsjs
update dependencies
- added karma both jasmine-core as dependencies, as recommended for npm@3
- changed all dependencies from ~ (patch level) to ^ (minor level). It will change nothing for now, because minor level accepts only patchs for 0.x.x packages, and all current dependencies are 0.x.x
- updated all dependencies
grunt-contrib-clean from ~0.5.0 to ^0.6.0
grunt-contrib-jshint from ~0.10.0 to ^0.11.1
grunt-jsbeautifier from ~0.2.7 to ^0.2.10
grunt-karma from ~0.8.3 to ^0.10.1
karma-browserstack-launcher from ~0.1.1 to ^0.1.2
karma-coverage from ~0.2.4 to ^0.2.7
karma-jasmine from ~0.2.2 to ^0.3.5
Just an update to, to reflect changes on
fix Attribute module
This patch fix a bug that makes setAttribute set incorrect values..
improve code coverage
Improving tests for maximum code coverage.
Drafting a release cause some minimum lines of source code changed.
initial character module
First steps in the character module (only get and set attribute).
Some tests for the attributes and character modules.
pre gulp migration
Just pinning when i started Gulp migration.
bower testing
Trying to push library to bower, testing ignoring of files.
initial release
Just some dependencies tests.
This release does not contains the top level library API.