This repository provides some advice and guidelines for researchers and professors working in applied mathematics, statistics or machine learning. The primal objective is to provide such information for people in my lab, but others might benefit from the resources as well. You will find a focus on: writing scientific documents (Tex / LaTeX / BibTeX), coding (with Python) and sketching figures with Inkscape. Feel free to fork the repository (by clicking Fork in the top-right corner of the page) and submit pull-request to improve it.
In the Quarto section is provided:
- A template for a Quarto presentation: presentation-template
- An example of a website created with Quarto: HAX712X with the source code available here.
In the LaTeX section is provided:
Large harmonized reference file for my group : references_all.bib
Snippets used for LaTeXing with Sublime text (XXX TODO: to be described for VSCode too!).
LaTeX / TeX templates and examples:
article.tex | beamer_js.tex | beamer_tl.tex | exam.tex | scribe.tex |
In section draft-package an example of a Python package to start a new project. If you are looking for more help on (scientific) Python I can only recommend my course with B. Charlier available at
I also provide in matplotlib a style file to use with matplotlib, for clean figures harmonization.
These are key concept for modern science. See for instance Konrad Hinsen's blog post on the topic:
More motivational reading can be found in the papers by D. Donoho: 50 years of data science and the more recent Data Science at the Singularity.
In the Images and Inkscape section, I am giving some insights on using images in science and communications, and discuss why Inkscape is an incredible tool to master for a PhD student or a modern researcher. About colors, it is interesting to know some basics rules (see and to be aware of colorblind people. A last important point is the creation of palettes for choosing the right colors. For that could help a lot. As a preliminary guidline on which format to use (jpg, png, gif, svg, pdf, etc.), see this page Interneting Is Hard.
You can create your personal website seamlessly by following the instructions here. It is also probably important to start having some basic knowledge in html and css, see for instance Interneting Is Hard.
In section guidelines, standard information and work practices for working in my the group is provided. Information on summer schools, funding tips for traveling, etc. is also given.
To create polls with unique possibilities (say you want the people you contact to choose one single choice, on a first-come, first-served basis) Evento
is a good solution, see help here.
Use a calendar, a paper or an online version is up to you.
Joseph Salmon:
Tanguy Lefort:
Mathurin Massias:
Quentin Bertrand:
Florent Bascou:
Nidham Gazagnadou:
Camille Garcin: