WP-Cumulus for Octopress, originally developed by weefselkweekje and LukeMorton for WordPress. Ported to Octopress by Joseph Chang.
Link to WP-Cumulus: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-cumulus/
3D rotating tagcloud for Octopress, ported from WP-cumulus.
{% category_cloud %} for default colors
{% tag_cloud bgcolor:#ffffff tcolor1:#00aa00 tcolor2:#00dd00 hicolor:#ff3333 %}
In template files, add the following markups.
<h1>Tag Cloud</h1>
<span id="tag-cloud">{% tag_cloud bgcolor:#ffffff tcolor1:#00aa00 tcolor2:#00dd00 hicolor:#ff3333%}</span>
WP-Cumulus is under GPLv3. However, original javascript and php code are not used, only tagcloud.swf is adopted. This ruby code is under MIT License.
GPLv3: http://gplv3.fsf.org MIT License: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT