This repository contains the source code of Patoline, which homepage is hosted at
The minimal dependencies are
- OCaml (version 4.03.0 or higher)
- Opam (version 2.0.0 or higher)
- Dune (version 1.2.0 or higher)
- Ocamlfind
- Earley (version 2.0.0 or higher)
- Camlzip
- Sqlite3
- Imagelib
- GNU make
To setup a suitable OCaml environment, the simplest possible solution is to use the Opam package manager. It can be installed by following instructions at You can then install an OCaml compiler and the required libraries as follows.
opam switch 4.05.0
eval $(opam env)
opam install dune earley.2.0.0 camlzip sqlite3 imagelib
You can optionally install more Opam packages (OCaml libraries) depending
on the Patoline drivers that you want to use. For instance, you will need
to install lablgl
for our OpenGL driver, cairo2
for our Cairo
driver, kryptokit
for our Patonet
Patoline can be compiled from source as follows:
cd patoline-master
make install
Here is a hello world patoline document (other examples can be found in the
Hello, World!
Patoline newbies
-> Section with text
This is my //first// document! That's so **cool**!
-> Section with maths
Did you known that $(a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b²$?
If you copy-paste it in a file hello_world.txp
, then you can compile it
with the command patoline hello_world.txp
. This will produce a PDF file
called hello_world.pdf
. Note that you can compile to other format drivers
such as a webpage using SVG format or an OpenGL window. To do that, select
a driver with the command patoline --driver DRIVER hello_world.txp
. You
can obtain the list of the existing drivers with patoline drivers
may not all be installed).
Main developpers and contributors:
- Pierre-Étienne Meunier
- Christophe Raffalli
- Rodolphe Lepigre
- Tom Hirschowitz
- Florian Hatat
- Pierre Hyvernat
- Guillaume Theyssier
- Vincent Laporte
- Alan Schmitt