This libary is an boilerplate for writing new bundles in Symfony.
Run the following command to add the bundle to your project.
composer require jorisros/boilerplate-bundle
To see if the bundle is correctly installed run the following command.
php bin/console debug:container jorisros.service.example
The result should be look like:
Information for Service "jorisros.service.example"
---------------- --------------------------------------------
Option Value
---------------- --------------------------------------------
Service ID jorisros.service.example
Class JorisRos\BoilerPlateBundle\Service\Example
Tags -
Public yes
Synthetic no
Lazy no
Shared yes
Abstract no
Autowired no
Autoconfigured no
Usages none
---------------- --------------------------------------------
Then the bundle is succesful installed.
Run the tests as followed
php vendor/bin/phpunit tests