This repository contains the code to obtain the optimal solution of the multi-model line balancing problem as explained in:
Fortuny-Santos, J.; Ruiz-de-Arbulo-López, P.; Cuatrecasas-Arbós, L.; Fortuny-Profitós, J. Balancing Workload and Workforce Capacity in Lean Management: Application to Multi-Model Assembly Lines. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8829.
This code was tested on python 3.7.6 and only uses two python libraries that can be installed as follows:
pip install pandas=1.0.0
pip install -U -user ortools=7.5.7466
This code reads from an Excel file that details the number of models, tasks, the precedences and the workloads of such tasks. An example of such file can be requested at [email protected]
To execute the code it is only needed to run it from a command line: