Dockerimage to run unoconv as a webservice using Flask and Flask-RESTful.
If you prefer a pre-build version it is available from just do a regular pull
$ docker pull jordanorc/docker-unoconv-flask
$ docker build -t docker-unoconv-flask .
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name unoconv docker-unoconv-flask
or if you use the pre-build version
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name unoconv jordanorc/docker-unoconv-flask
Post the file you want to convert to the server and get the converted file in return.
API for the webservice is /unoconv/{format-to-convert-to} so a docx to pdf would be
$ curl --form [email protected] http://localhost:5000/unoconv/pdf/ > myfile.pdf