We discovered a loophole in Eiffel's field renaming mechanism when applied to the diamond problem of multiple inheritance. To fix the loophole we propose to abandon the renaming's reference identity semantics; we introduce a concept called virtual field, and propose two methods: the first method is manual fix with help from enhanced programming rules, e.g. direct virtual field access is only allowed in accessor methods (among other rules); and the second method is automatic, we introduce rename dispatching based on the object's runtime view stack, hence providing an improved solution to multiple inheritance (esp. for unplanned MI).
- ISE EiffelStudio (released in 2022), https://account.eiffel.com/downloads
- Gobo Eiffel compiler gec version (released in 2022) https://sourceforge.net/projects/gobo-eiffel/files/gobo-eiffel/22.01/
- GNU SmartEiffel version 1.1 (released in 2003), the source distribution is included here: SmartEiffel-1.1.tar.bz2
NOTE: for SmartEiffel 1.1, since it's an old version, it only works on 32-bit Linux. Otherwise, for 64-bit please use MacOS.
For our demo, we used Linux system.
$ git submodule update --init
$ cd eiffel_bug
# test ISE EiffelStudio (released in 2022)
$ make ise
$ cat ise.out # to see the output
# test Gobo Eiffel compiler gec version (released in 2022)
# make gobo
# cat gobo.out # to see the output
# test SmartEiffel version 1.1 (released in 2003)
$ cd se
$ make se
$ cat se.out # to see the output
$ cd eiffel_fix
# then repeat the same commands as above
First make sure you have Python and dmd (version v2.102.2, you MUST use this version) installed: https://downloads.dlang.org/releases/2.x/2.102.2/
$ cd yi
$ make
in the build process, you may see messages like:
ERROR! Autowrap could not wrap aggregate ...
these messages are safe to be ignored.