######An implementation of [Caruana et al's Ensemble Selection algorithm] (http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~caruana/ctp/ct.papers/caruana.icml04.icdm06long.pdf) [1][2] in Python, based on scikit-learn.
######From the abstract:
We present a method for constructing ensembles from libraries of thousands of models. Model libraries are generated using different learning algorithms and parameter settings. Forward stepwise selection is used to add to the ensemble the models that maximize its performance. Ensemble selection allows ensembles to be optimized to performance metrics such as accuracy, cross entropy, mean precision or ROC Area. Experiments with seven test problems and ten metrics demonstrate the benefit of ensemble selection.
It's a work in progress, so things can/might/will change.
David C. Lambert
dcl [at] panix [dot] com
Copyright © 2013
License: Simple BSD
Containing the EnsembleSelectionClassifier object
The EnsembleSelectionClassifier object tries to implement all of the methods in the combined paper, including internal cross validation, bagged ensembling, initialization with the best models, pruning of the worst models prior to selection, and sampling with replacement of the model candidates.
It uses sqlite as the backing store containing pickled unfitted models, fitted model 'siblings' for each internal cross validation fold, scores and predictions for each model, and the list of model ids and weightings for the final ensemble.
Hillclimbing can be performed using auc, accuracy, rmse, cross entropy or F1 score.
If the object is initialized with the model parameter equal to None, the object tries to load a fitted ensemble from the database specified.
(NOTE: Expects class labels to be sequential integers starting at zero [for now].)
Containing the EnsembleSelectionRegressor object
The EnsembleSelectionRegressor object follows the ensembleselectionclassifier as above, except instead of discrete outcome choices, it leverages the regressor counterparts to generate continuous values.
Example model library building code.
Training utility to run ensemble selection on svm data files.
The user can choose from the following candidate models:
- sgd : Stochastic Gradient Descent
- svc : Support Vector Machines
- gbc : Gradient Boosting Classifiers
- dtree : Decision Trees
- forest : Random Forests
- extra : Extra Trees
- kmp : KMeans->LogisticRegression Pipelines
- kernp : Nystroem Approx->Logistic Regression Pipelines
- gb_reg : Gradient Boosting Regressors
- dtree_reg : Decision Tree Regressors
- forest_reg : Random Forest Regressors
- extra_reg : Extra Tree Regressors
Some model choices are very slow. The default is to use decision trees, which are reasonably fast. --> All models (that can) are defaulted to use all available cores via n_jobs=-1 parameter
The simplest command line is:
unix> ./ensemble_train.py some_dbfile.db some_data.svm
(NOTE: Expects 'some_dbfile.db' not to exist, and will quit if it does [so you don't accidentally blow away your model].)
Full usage is:
usage: ensemble_train.py [-h]
[-M {svc,sgd,gbc,dtree,forest,extra,kmp,kernp}
[{svc,sgd,gbc,dtree,forest,extra,kmp,kernp} ...]]
[-T {Regression,Classification}]
[-S {f1,auc,rmse,accuracy,xentropy}] [-b N_BAGS]
[-F N_FOLDS] [-p PRUNE_FRACTION] [-u] [-U]
[-e EPSILON] [-t TEST_SIZE] [-s SEED] [-v]
db_file data_file
EnsembleSelectionClassifier training harness
positional arguments:
db_file sqlite db file for backing store
data_file training data in svm format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-T {Regression, Classification}
method of estimation to invoke
-M {svc,sgd,gbc,dtree,forest,extra,kmp,kernp}
[{svc,sgd,gbc,dtree,forest,extra,kmp,kernp} ...]
model types to include as ensemble candidates
(default: ['dtree'])
-S {f1,auc,rmse,accuracy,xentropy}
scoring metric used for hillclimbing (default:
-b N_BAGS bags to create (default: 20)
-f BAG_FRACTION fraction of models in each bag (after pruning)
(default: 0.25)
-B N_BEST number of best models in initial ensemble (default: 5)
-m MAX_MODELS maximum number of models per bagged ensemble (default:
-F N_FOLDS internal cross-validation folds (default: 3)
-p PRUNE_FRACTION fraction of worst models pruned pre-selection
(default: 0.75)
-u use epsilon to stop adding models (default: False)
-U use bootstrap sample to generate training/hillclimbing
folds (default: False)
-e EPSILON score improvement threshold to include new model
(default: 0.0001)
-t TEST_SIZE fraction of data to use for testing (default: 0.75)
-s SEED random seed
-v show progress messages
Get predictions from trained EnsembleSelectionClassifier given svm format data file.
Can output predicted classes or probabilities from the full ensemble or just the best model.
Expects to find a trained ensemble in the sqlite db specified.
usage: ensemble_predict.py [-h] [-s {best,ens}] [-p] db_file data_file
Get EnsembleSelectionClassifier predictions
positional arguments:
db_file sqlite db file containing model
data_file testing data in svm format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s {best,ens} choose source of prediction ["best", "ens"]
-p predict probabilities
Written using Python 2.7.9, numpy 1.10.1, scipy 0.14.0, scikit-learn 0.16.1 and sqlite 3.7.14
[1] Caruana, et al, "Ensemble Selection from Libraries of Rich Models", Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML `04).
[2] Caruana, et al, "Getting the Most Out of Ensemble Selection", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM `06).