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Dotfiles and install scripts for configuration

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Terminal Mac Desktop Windows Desktop Linux Desktop

📘 Overview

This .dotfiles repository contains my macOS, Arch Linux and Windows system configurations.

Features include:


  • Catppuccin theme
  • chezmoi to manage dotfiles across systems
  • Neovim a cross-platform editor
  • Starship prompt
  • WezTerm a cross-platform terminal emulator
  • Yazi terminal file manager. Plugins can be updated with ya pack -u.
  • A configured zsh shell for macOS and Linux, and PowerShell for Windows with autocompletion, history, and syntax highlighting
  • Fuzzy finding with fzf



  • Komorebi window manager
  • Zebar bar
  • Microsoft PowerToys for launcher, keyboard shortcuts and various extras
  • Scoop package management

Arch Linux


Change the git username, email, and ssh keygen email in, and setup_win.ps1 to your own. Change banner.zsh and the banner in setup_win.ps1 to your own banner image. If you have existing ssh keys, ensure to copy them to the $HOME/.ssh directory.


Move key.txt encryption key to the $HOME/.config directory to decrypt encrypted files.

🍎 MacOS

  1. Disable system integrity protection. Yabai instructions

    • Turn off system. Hold power button until "Loading startup options" appears. Click "Options" then click "Continue"
    • In the menu bar, choose Utilities, then Terminal
    # If you're on Apple Silicon macOS 13.x.x
    # Requires Filesystem Protections, Debugging Restrictions and NVRAM Protection to be disabled
    # (printed warning can be safely ignored)
    csrutil enable --without fs --without debug --without nvram
    • Reboot. For Apple Silicon, need to enable non-Apple-signed arm64e binaries.
    # Open a terminal and run the below command, then reboot
    sudo nvram boot-args=-arm64e_preview_abi
  2. Create 5 workspaces. Open System Settings -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Enable the Mission Control shortcuts, including + # and + <- / -> to to switch between workspaces.

  3. Open System Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Accessibility. Click the + button at the bottom left of the list view and enter your password to allow changes to the list.

  4. Give Terminal full disk access through Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Full Disk Access.

  5. Download and run the shell script.

curl -L | sh


If needed, make the script executable with

chmod +x
  1. The macOS setup process will begin by installing Homebrew, chezmoi, and Git.

  2. Setup will walk you through authenticating with Github. It will then install the dotfiles and apps.

  3. Give WezTerm full disk access through Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Full Disk Access. Hide the menu bar in System Settings -> Control Center -> Automatically hide and show the menu bar -> Always.

  4. Give Yabai, Wezterm, skhd accessibility permissions in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Accessibility.

  5. Launch the Shortcuts app. Create a shortcut called "playpause" with "Play/Pause" from the "Media" category. This shortcut will be used by the bar for playback control.

  6. Launch the Stats app. Configure the Disk, RAM and CPU monitors widgets to be Center aligned with color "Second yellow".

🪟 Windows

  1. Download and run the setup_win.ps1 PowerShell script.
iwr -useb | iex


You might need to change the execution policy to RemoteSigned before running the script.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
  1. The Windows setup process will begin by trying to install PowerShell, Windows Terminal and PowerToys.

  2. Setup will then proceed to install Scoop, chezmoi, Git and terminal apps.

  3. After you authenticate with GitHub, it will install the dotfiles, configure PowerShell, and install apps.


Some useful PowerToys settings that can be configured:

  1. Enable FancyZones
  2. File Explorer add-ons for previews
  3. Enable Keyboard Manager and remap Ctrl + F to F4 within outlook Remap Ctrl + Shift + O and Ctrl + Shift + M to camera and microphone toggle buttons in ms-teams
  4. Enable Paste as Plain Text
  5. Enable PowerToys Run (adds Spotlight capability for Windows)
  6. Enable Quick Accent for a desired language (e.g. French or Spanish)

Within Taskbar Settings, automatically hide the taskbar in Desktop mode.


To update the Komorebi application rules, run komorebic fetch-asc.

🐧 Arch Linux

Install Arch using archinstall with a Minimal profile. To connect to wifi, use iwctl:

device list
station wlan0 scan
station wlan0 get-networks
station wlan0 connect SSID

Once installed, connect to wifi and run the setup script:

nmcli device wifi list
nmcli device wifi connect SSID password PASSWORD
sh <(curl -s


KDE Plasma and Hyprland configs can clash. A workaround is to initiate sessions with different XDG_CONFIG_HOME variables.

This script uses the .kdeconfig directory for KDE Plasma, and the .config directory for Hyprland.

Requires sudo permissions

  1. Create a script in /usr/share/wayland-sessions and make it executable with chmod +x
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
     echo "Usage: $0 <config_directory> <command>"
     exit 1



exec "$@"
  1. Edit plasma.desktop in /usr/share/wayland-sessions:
# Comment out existing Exec and TryExec lines and add:
Exec=/usr/share/wayland-sessions/ .kdeconfig /usr/lib/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland
  1. Edit hyprland.desktop in /usr/share/wayland-sessions:
# Comment out existing Exec line and add:
Exec=/usr/share/wayland-sessions/ .config Hyprland

Paru commands

Install a package

paru -S <package>

Clean package cache

paru -Scd

Remove orphaned packages

paru -Qdtq | paru -Rns

🧭 Keymapping

See Keymapping.


Dotfiles and install scripts for configuration






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