News Aggregator
Suzanne, John, Carlo, Ivo, Tejaswini
How to run:
- Get a solr instance running by entering the following on the commandline (note solr will run until you stop it in the commandline): 1. curl -O 2. tar zxf solr-5.0.0.tgz 3. rm solr-5.0.0.tgz 4. cd solr-5.0.0 5. bin/solr start -e cloud -noprompt
- Enter the following commands in the commandline to install the appropriate python libraries. 1. sudo pip install Flask 2. easy_install solrpy 3. pip install -U textblob 4. python -m textblob.download_corpora
- Checkout our project from github 1. git clone 2. cd openeye
- run the website by entering the following command from the root directory of the project 1. python
- Enter the url specified in the output from running into your favorite web browser and use OpenEye!
- Bob's your uncle.
How to shut down:
- Stop the openeye server: 1. control + C in the terminal you entered "python"
- Stop the solr instance: 1. Navigate into the solr-5.0.0 directory you started solr in 2. bin/solr stop -all