Hybridization of Cartesian Genetic Programming and Differential Evolution to generate Artificial Neural Networks.
It includes the CGPANN, CGPDE-IN, CGPDE-OUT-T, and CGPDE-OUT-V methods.
Author: Johnathan M Melo Neto
Email: [email protected]
If this library is used in published work I would greatly appreciate a citation to the following:
J. M. Melo Neto, H. S. Bernardino and H. J. C. Barbosa, Hybridization of Cartesian Genetic Programming and Differential Evolution for Generating Classifiers Based on Neural Networks, 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018, pp. 1-8.
Credits of the CGP Library are placed below.
A cross platform Cartesian Genetic Programming Library written in C.
Author: Andrew James Turner
Webpage: http://www.cgplibrary.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]
License: Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
A. J. Turner and J. F. Miller. Introducing A Cross Platform Open Source Cartesian Genetic Programming Library. The Journal of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2014, 16, 83-91.
First you'll want to clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/johnathanmelo/cgpde-lib.git
Once that's finished, navigate to the Root directory. In this case it would be ./cgpde-lib:
cd ./cgpde-lib
Then run Makefile:
make main
Now you can run the algorithms by running: