Derive your Leiningen project version from your Git history.
Leiningen projects, in their heritage from Maven, list an explicit
version as the 3rd element of a project.clj
file. For instance
(defproject foo "1.3.4"
There are a couple of problems with this. First of all, until the
arrival of leiningen.release/bump-version
for the lein release
task, there was really no sane way to update the version of a property
short of a sed script to rewrite the project.clj
While bump-version
is a mostly acceptable solution, it still relies
on storing the version identifier in a file, attached to some
point in the history of the repository.
The problem with sticking a version identifier in the filesystem/version history is that it becomes a source of merge conflicts. To avoid the merge conflicts, teams sometimes build complicated merge hooks or automated workflows. Now you have two problems.
In monorepo patterns ala lein-modules, the problems above become amplified. Additionally, versions for inter-monorepo dependencies are not very meaningful as all dependencis are built from the same source commit, rather than depending on a specific Maven version identifier. Using a commit ID or version control tag/label is a more accurate and useful.
;; Add in the git-version plugin
:plugins [[me.arrdem/lein-git-version "2.0.8"]
By default, my incarnation of lein-git-version doesn't do anything to your project, except make some additional keys visible in the project map.
{:tag ;; Name of the last git tag if any
:ahead ;; Number of commits ahead of the last tag, or 0
:ahead? ;; Is the head ahead by more than 0 commits
:ref ;; The full current ref
:ref-short ;; The "short" current ref
:branch ;; The name of the current branch
:dirty? ;; Optional. Boolean. Are there un-committed changes.
:message ;; Optional. The last commit message when clean.
:timestamp ;; Optional. The last commit date when clean.
If the keyword :project/git-ref
or :project/git-ref-short
is used in place
of a version string, lein-git-version will update the version string
of the project to instead reflect the ref or short ref.
For instance,
(defproject bar :project/git-ref
:plugins [[me.arrdem/lein-git-version "2.0.8"]]
(defproject baz :project/git-ref-short
:plugins [[me.arrdem/lein-git-version "2.0.8"]]
lein-git-version can also be used to compute a versions string, as an
arbitrary function of the current git status by specifying a
function of the above status structure in the
map of your project.clj
For instance, lein-git-version uses an earlier version of itself to compute its own version.
(defproject me.arrdem/lein-git-version "_"
:plugins [[me.arrdem/lein-git-version "2.0.8"]]
(fn [{:keys [tag version branch ahead ahead? dirty?] :as git}]
(assert (re-find #"\d+\.\d+\.\d+" tag)
"Tag is assumed to be a raw SemVer version")
(if (and tag (not ahead?) (not dirty?))
(let [[_ prefix patch] (re-find #"(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)" tag)
patch (Long/parseLong patch)
patch+ (inc patch)]
(format "%s.%d-%s-SNAPSHOT" prefix patch+ branch))))
If you want reuse this function used by lein-git-version itself, simply set :status-to-version
to lein-git-version.plugin/default-status-to-version
(defproject me.arrdem/lein-git-version "_"
:plugins [[me.arrdem/lein-git-version "2.0.8"]]
:git-version {:status-to-version lein-git-version.plugin/default-status-to-version}
Will use the last tag as the version if level with a tag, otherwise
will produce a SNAPSHOT
one SemVer patch ahead of the previous tag
qualified with the name of the current branch.
This enables your release workflow to consist simply of creating a tag and doing a deploy. No source changes are required.
Like its predecessors, lein-git-version can be used to generate a version file. Previous incarnations tried to lay down a version namespace. This incarnation can be configured to lay down an EDN file containing git information at a specified location relative to the root of the project.
For instance,
(defproject :project/ref-short
:plugins [[me.arrdem/lein-git-version "2.0.8"]]
:git-version {:version-file "resources/com/my_app/version.edn"
:version-file-keys [:ref :version :timestamp]}))
will cause lein-git-version to make the specified directory, and lay down an EDN file containing all the selected project status information from the project map.
It's suggested that rather than target a directory under source
control, a source control ignored eg "gen-resources/..."
be used to isolate generated build artifacts from user
sources. Remember to add the target to your project's :resource-paths
This repo is a fork and to my taste a massive cleanup of cvillecsteele's lein-git-version which is itself an un-maintained alternative to michalmarczyk's original project.
Copyright © 2017 Reid "arrdem" McKenzie
Derived from lein-git-version © 2016 Colin Steele
Derived from lein-git-version © 2011 Michał Marczyk
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.