Relay WinLirc commands to VLC. This works for Windows with .NET framework 4.5 (installed by default on win8.1+)
- Enable web interface on VLC. Tools -> Preferences -> Show all -> Interfaces -> Main Interfaces -> Check Web
- Compile sources or download precompiled
- Complete config.txt
- Complete commands.txt
- Run LircVlc.exe
- Enjoy
two simple lines:
lirc: address to find lirc server (example is default), this setting is available under Server Options on WinLirc vlc: address where VLC is listening for web commands (example is default)
specifies each of the relayed commands
remote_name button vlccommand
remote_name: is the remote name specified in WinLirc. button: is the remote button name specified in WinLirc. vlccommand: is the command to send to VLC player.
For available commands look at example commands.txt file or under "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\http\requests\README.txt"