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John Doe committed Oct 10, 2016
1 parent b00989c commit c11e839
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Showing 8 changed files with 901 additions and 5 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion binary.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ that would normally be bound must be added with a LET form."
:align ,align
:element-align ,element-align
:bind-index-to ',bind-index-to))
(declare (ignorable ,irrelevant ,runtime-reader ,runtime-writer))
(declare (ignorable ,irrelevant ,runtime-reader ,runtime-writer ,stream-symbol))
(eval `(let ,,struct-name-binding
,(runtime-reader/writer-form ,reader/writer ',byte-count-name ,byte-count-name
',stream ,stream-symbol `previous-defs-symbol))))))))
Expand Down
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions buffer-streams.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
(defpackage :lisp-binary/buffer-streams
(:use :common-lisp :trivial-gray-streams))

(in-package :lisp-binary/buffer-streams)

(defclass buffer-stream (fundamental-binary-stream)
((buffer :initarg :buffer)
(read-pointer :initform 0)))

(defun make-buffer-stream (element-type)
(make-instance 'buffer-stream :buffer (make-array 0 :element-type element-type :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)))

(defmethod stream-write-byte ((stream buffer-stream) byte)
(vector-push-extend byte (slot-value stream 'buffer)))

(defmethod stream-read-byte ((stream buffer-stream))
(slot-value stream 'buffer)
(prog1 (slot-value stream 'read-pointer)
(incf (slot-value stream 'read-pointer))))
(t ()

;; TRIVIAL-GRAY-STREAMS seems to be broken on SBCL.

(defmethod #+sbcl sb-gray:stream-write-sequence
#-sbcl stream-write-sequence ((stream buffer-stream) sequence #+sbcl &optional start end #-sbcl &key)
(loop for ix from start to (or end (1- (length sequence)))
do (write-byte (aref sequence ix) stream)))

(defmacro with-output-to-buffer ((var &key (element-type ''(unsigned-byte 8))) &body body)
`(let ((,var (make-buffer-stream ,element-type)))
(slot-value ,var 'buffer)))

110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions doom-wad.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
(defpackage :lisp-binary-doom-wad
(:use :common-lisp :lisp-binary))

(in-package :lisp-binary-doom-wad)

(defparameter *doom-wad* #P"/usr/share/games/doom/doom.wad")

(define-enum wad-type 1 ()
(i 73)
(p 80))

(defbinary index-entry (:export t)
(offset 0 :type (signed-byte 32))
(size 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32))
(name "" :type (fixed-length-string 8)))

(defbinary doom-wad-header (:export t)
(wad-type 0 :type wad-type)
(magic 0 :type (magic :actual-type (unsigned-byte 24)
:value #x444157))
(num-index-entries 0 :type (signed-byte 32))
(index-offset 0 :type (signed-byte 32))
(index-entries nil :type null))

(defbinary thing (:export t)
(x 0 :type (signed-byte 16))
(y 0 :type (signed-byte 16))
(angle 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16))
(type 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16))
((easy medium hard deaf multiplayer-only
not-in-coop reserved) 0 :type (bit-field :raw-type (unsigned-byte 16)
:member-types ((unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 9)))))

(defbinary linedef (:export t)
(start-vertex-ix 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32))
(end-vertex-ix 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32))
((impassable blocks-monsters two-sided
upper-texture-unpegged lower-texture-unpegged
secret blocks-sound never-map
;; FIXME: The fields below should really
;; be one field, five bits wide,
;; that form an ENUM. But the library
;; doesn't support using ENUMs in bit fields.
;; As written, there are more fields than there are
;; sizes.
always-map ;; 0x1
multi-activatable ;; 0x2
activate-on-use ;; 0x4
activate-on-monster-crossing ;; 0x8
activate-on-shooting ;; 0xc
activate-on-player-bump ;; 0x10
activate-on-projectile-crossing ;; 0x14
activate-on-use-with-passthrough ;; 0x18
reserved-1 blocks-everything reserved-2)
:type (bit-field :raw-type
(unsigned-byte 16)
:member-types ((unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1)
(unsigned-byte 1))))
(type 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16))
(sector-tag 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16))
(left-sidedef-ix 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16))
(right-sidedef-ix 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16)))

(defun read-indices (stream offset num)
(let ((result (make-array num :element-type 'index-entry))
(old-file-position (file-position stream)))
(file-position stream offset)
(loop for ix from 0 below num
do (setf (aref result ix) (read-binary 'index-entry stream))))
(file-position stream old-file-position))

(defun ad-hoc-read-wad (filename)
(with-open-file (in filename :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(let* ((result (read-binary 'doom-wad-header in)))
(setf (slot-value result 'index-entries)
(read-indices in (slot-value result 'index-offset)
(slot-value result 'num-index-entries)))

153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions exif.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
(defpackage :exif
(:use :common-lisp :lisp-binary))

(in-package :exif)

(define-enum tiff-type 2 (:byte-order :dynamic)
(:unsigned-byte 1)
:unsigned-rational ;; Two unsigned-longs

(define-enum tiff-byte-order 2 (:byte-order :little-endian)
(:little-endian #x4949)
(:big-endian #x4d4d))

(defbinary directory-entry (:byte-order :dynamic)
(tag 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16))
(type 0 :type tiff-type)
(count 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32))
(value/offset 0 :type (eval
(if (> count 1)
'(unsigned-byte 32)
(ecase type
((:unsigned-long :unsigned-rational :signed-rational :double-float :ascii)
'(unsigned-byte 32))
(:signed-long '(signed-byte 32))
(:single-float 'single-float)
(:unsigned-byte '(unsigned-byte 8))
(:signed-byte '(signed-byte 8))
(:signed-short '(signed-byte 16))
(:unsigned-short '(unsigned-byte 16))))))
(padding 0 :type (eval (if (> count 1)
(ecase type
((:unsigned-long :unsigned-rational :signed-rational :double-float :ascii :signed-long
((:signed-byte :unsigned-byte)
'(unsigned-byte 24))
((:signed-short :unsigned-short)
'(unsigned-byte 16)))))))

(defbinary tiff-image-file-directory
(:align 2 :byte-order :dynamic)
(directory-entries #() :type (counted-array 2 directory-entry))
(next-directory-offset 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32)))

(defbinary tiff (:byte-order :dynamic :preserve-*byte-order* nil)
(initial-offset 0 :type integer
:reader (lambda (stream)
(values (file-position stream)
:writer (lambda (obj stream)
(declare (ignore obj))
(setf initial-offset (file-position stream))
(byte-order 0 :type tiff-byte-order :reader (lambda (stream)
(setf *byte-order* (read-enum 'tiff-byte-order stream))
(magic 42 :type (magic :actual-type (unsigned-byte 16)
:value 42))
(first-image-file-directory-offset 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32))
(offset-ptr 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32)
:reader (lambda (stream)
(declare (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0)))
(- (file-position stream) 4)
:writer (lambda (obj stream)
(declare (ignore obj))
(setf offset-ptr (- (file-position stream) 4))
(image-directories nil :type list
:reader (lambda (stream)
(let* ((next-directory nil)
(byte-count 0)
(loop for offset = first-image-file-directory-offset
then (slot-value next-directory 'next-directory-offset)
until (= offset 0)
collect (progn
(file-position stream (+ offset initial-offset))
(setf next-directory
(multiple-value-bind (dir bytes)
(read-binary 'tiff-image-file-directory stream)
(incf byte-count bytes)
(values directories byte-count)))
:writer (lambda (obj stream)
(declare (ignore obj))
(force-output stream)
(let ((real-offset (file-length stream)))
(file-position stream offset-ptr)
(write-integer (- real-offset initial-offset) 4 stream :byte-order *byte-order*)
(setf first-image-file-directory-offset real-offset)
(file-position stream real-offset)
(loop for (dir . more-dirs) on image-directories sum
(let ((bytes (write-binary dir stream))
(new-eof (file-position stream)))
(force-output stream)
(file-position stream (- new-eof 4))
(write-integer (if more-dirs new-eof 0) 4 stream :byte-order *byte-order*)

(defun no-writer (obj stream)
(declare (ignore obj stream))

(defbinary jpeg-generic-tag (:byte-order :big-endian)
(offset 0 :type integer :reader (lambda (stream)
(values (file-position stream)
:writer #'no-writer)
(magic #xff :type (magic :actual-type (unsigned-byte 8)
:value #xff))
(code 0 :type (unsigned-byte 8))
(length 0 :type (eval
(case code
((#xd8 #xd0 #xd1 #xd2 #xd3 #xd4 #xd5 #xd6 #xd7
#xd9 #xdd)
(otherwise '(unsigned-byte 16)))))
(restart-interval nil :type (eval
(if (= code #xdd)
'(unsigned-byte 32)

(defbinary jpeg-app0-segment (:byte-order :big-endian)
(soi #xffd8 :type (magic :actual-type (unsigned-byte 16)
:value #xffd8))
(app0 #xffe0 :type (magic :actual-type (unsigned-byte 16)
:value #xffe0))
(length-setter nil :type null
:writer (lambda (obj stream)
(declare (ignore obj stream))
(setf length (+ (length buffer) 7))))
(length 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16))
(identifier "JFIF" :type (magic :actual-type (terminated-string 1
:terminator 0)
:value "JFIF"))
(buffer #() :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8)
((- length 7)))))

56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions fast-kw.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
(defpackage :fast-kw
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export :defkwfun))

(in-package :fast-kw)

(defun symbol-append (&rest symbols)
(intern (apply #'concatenate
(cons 'string (mapcar #'symbol-name symbols)))
(symbol-package (car symbols))))

(defun lambda-keyword-p (symbol)
(and (symbolp symbol)
(char= (aref (symbol-name symbol) 0) #\&)))

(defun split-lambda-list (lambda-list)
(let ((result '(&positional))
(current-group nil))
(loop for symbol in lambda-list
do (cond ((lambda-keyword-p symbol)
(push (reverse current-group) result)
(push symbol result)
(setf current-group nil))
(t (push symbol current-group))))
(push (reverse current-group) result)
(reverse result)))

(defun make-kw-macro-body (real-name flat-lambda-list)
`(,real-name ,@flat-lambda-list))

(defmacro defkwfun (name lambda-list &body body)
(let* ((parsed-lambda-list (split-lambda-list lambda-list))
(static-lambda-list (getf parsed-lambda-list '&positional))
(remove '&positional
(remove-if-not #'symbolp parsed-lambda-list)))
(real-function-name (symbol-append name '- 'flat-arglist)))
(setf static-lambda-list
(append static-lambda-list
(loop for section in sections
(loop for arg in (getf parsed-lambda-list section)
if (symbolp arg) collect arg
else if (and (listp arg)
(= (length arg) 3))
collect (first arg)
and collect (third arg)
else if (listp arg) collect (first arg)))))
(defun ,real-function-name ,static-lambda-list
(defmacro ,name ,lambda-list
(make-kw-macro-body ',real-function-name (list ,@static-lambda-list))))))

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions reverse-stream.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ sizes that are multiples of 8 bits, such as (UNSIGNED-BYTE 24)."))

(defgeneric wrap-in-reverse-stream (object)
(:documentation "Creates a BIT-STREAM that can read one bit at a time from the OBJECT. The BIT-STREAM
(:documentation "Creates a REVERSE-STREAM that can read one bit at a time from the OBJECT. The REVERSE-STREAM
can be discarded if BYTE-ALIGNED-P returns T."))

(defmethod wrap-in-reverse-stream ((object stream))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,16 +125,16 @@ can be discarded if BYTE-ALIGNED-P returns T."))

(defmethod stream-read-sequence ((stream bit-stream) sequence start end &key &allow-other-keys)
(defmethod stream-read-sequence ((stream reverse-stream) sequence start end &key &allow-other-keys)
(%stream-read-sequence stream sequence start end))

(defmethod sb-gray:stream-read-sequence ((stream bit-stream) (sequence array) &optional start end)
(defmethod sb-gray:stream-read-sequence ((stream reverse-stream) (sequence array) &optional start end)
(%stream-read-sequence stream sequence (or start 0) (or end (length sequence))))

(defmethod stream-file-position ((stream bit-stream))
(defmethod stream-file-position ((stream reverse-stream))
(file-position (slot-value stream 'real-stream)))

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