Initial setup of Debian 10 server.
First role (sudo_user)
- System update
- Check if reboot is required
- Create sudo admin, add ssh public key and set no password in sudoers file
Second role (bootstrap)
- Set timezone
- Install tcpdump
- SSH hardening (custom port, disable IPv6 port, disable root login, disable password login and disable no password login)
Debian 10 server (ver. 10)
a) Cloud Platform account
b) A VPS server with Debian 10 already installed
c) An SSH key pair
a) On your laptop create a working directory
b) In your working directory open a console window
c) Clone github repository
git clone
d) Switch to first role directory
cd ansible-debian10-bootstrap/sudo_user
e) Open the hosts file
nano hosts
f) Replace <TEMPORARY_ITEMS> with your own data:
replace <SERVER_IP> with the actual IP address of your remote server
replace it with your private key's name
then save and close the file
g) Open the defaults main.yml file
nano roles/basic/defaults/main.yml
h) Replace <TEMPORARY_ITEMS> with your own data:
replace <USER_NAME> with the name of sudo user
replace it with the hash of sudo user's password (to create a password hash use mkpasswd --method=sha-512 command. If mkpasswd is not installed, install it with apt-get install whois)
replace it with your public key's name
then save and close the file
i) Check if you are able to ping remote server
ansible -m ping all
You should receive a SUCCESS message
j) Check if any error shows up
ansible-playbook sudo_user.yml --check
k) Launch installation
ansible-playbook sudo_user.yml
l) Switch to second role directory
cd ansible-debian10-bootstrap/bootstrap
m) Open the hosts file
nano hosts
n) Replace <TEMPORARY_ITEMS> with your own data:
replace <SERVER_IP> with the actual IP address of your remote server
replace it with sudo user name
replace it with sudo user password
then save and close the file
o) Open the defaults main.yml file
nano roles/basic/defaults/main.yml
p) Replace <TEMPORARY_ITEMS> with your own data:
replace <USER_NAME> with the name of sudo user
replace it with the hash of sudo user's password (already created during first role "sudo_user")
replace it with your public key's name
replace it with your custom ssh port
then save and close the file
q) Check if you are able to ping remote server with sudo user's name
ansible -u <SUDO_USER_NAME> -m ping all
You should receive a SUCCESS message
r) Check if any error shows up
ansible-playbook debian_bootstrap.yml --check
s) Launch installation
ansible-playbook debian_bootstrap.yml
MIT licence
Created by Roberto Jobet ([email protected]).
Don't hesitate to open an Issue if you find any bug or have suggestions.