Based on Praxis principle, that design and implementation should be separated, I've created this gem to add the possibility to define the params validation & coercion outside the route's class.
If you are using Grape to create a Blog API (of course), you should have something like this:
class Posts < Grape::API
desc 'Get all blog posts',
http_codes: [
[200, 'Ok']
params do
optional :q, type: Hash
optional :order_by, type: String
optional :order_dir, type: String
get '/posts' do
# Logic to get those posts
If your Posts API have only this route, to get all posts, it's ok. But if you have all actions to CRUD your posts, and some more to handle your specific business logic, this will become a mess... for sure.
This was a problem for me. I like my code to be as readable as possible and, with all these documentation and params definition that we need to create ou API, this is not possible.
So.. with this gem you can define your resource definition outside your route and call it when you need it.
module Resources
module Posts
include Grape::ResourceDefinition
resource_define :index do
desc 'Get all blog posts',
http_codes: [
[200, 'Ok']
params do
optional :q, type: Hash
optional :order_by, type: String
optional :order_dir, type: String
...and your route links to that resource:
class Posts < Grape::API
resource_definition Resources::Posts
define :index
get '/posts' do
# Logic to get those posts
I've made this really simple, the rest it's up to you. I don't want to add constraints on that.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'grape-resource-definition'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install grape-resource-definition