After clone and docker daemon running, go to docker folder inside of the project
cd docker
For build the nginx
docker-compose build --no-cache nginx
For build the mysql
docker-compose build --no-cache mysql
for build the react app
docker-compose build --no-cache react
for build the vue app
docker-compose build --no-cache vue
For build the mysql
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate mysql
Please, wait a while, something like 10 minutes, for make sure the whole configuration were setted.
This command will set the mysql data on ./data/mysql/ folder, and create 2 fresh databases: tegra_node and tegra_php
Set these hosts in your host machine
All files inside the folder: /docker/nginx/sites/*
Make sure the right host docker internal ip is setted on proxy_pass setup
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://[internal.ip]:[port];
On terminal, go into workspace
docker-compose exec workspace bash
On workspace
cd back-end/php-laravel
composer install
After instalation of the laravel framework, create the .env file
cp .env.example .env
Create the key for the laravel project
php artisan key:generate
The same service container workspace as the setup laravel project, use the laravel migration for create and populate the mysql tegra_php database name.
php artisan migrate --seed
After the migration and seeders ran, the react and vue app will use the laravel api properly.
After nginx and mysql up and running, let's setup the react app.
required: mysql tegra_php database populated and laravel up and runnning as well.
On terminal, send.
docker-compose up -d react
Access in the browser
After nginx and mysql up and running, let's setup the react app.
required: mysql tegra_php database populated and laravel up and runnning as well.
On terminal, send.
docker-compose up -d vue
Access in the browser
File ./back-end/node-express/config/config.json Make sure in above file, the right host machine is setted.
required: mysql container up and running.
Then on terminal, hit.
docker-compose up -d node_api
This command will drop all tables from tegra_node database and migrate all tables again, after that, populate the tables and start the node server.