Fetch photos and some data from the Pixabay API.
-- turning it into a component
-- looping through all the images
-- out-put them into cards -
Search component whre you can put a search element.
If it doesn't exist, it will display: "No Images found"
React | Tostify | Pixabay
If you wish to run the project locally you will need to setup the enviroment first.
clone repo
cd client
npm install
npm start
Log into [https://pixabay.com/api/docs/] and create a user (free account)
Create an .env file in the folder client
- │ │ ├───public
- │ │ ├───src
- │ │ ├───env
- │ │ ├───package.json
and put your key there : REACT_APP_PIXABAY_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4.Ready, go !
- Live version on Netlify
│ ├───About
│ ├───BackToTop
│ ├───Button
│ ├───Cards
│ ├───Contact
│ ├───Footer
│ ├───Header
│ ├───Hero
│ ├───ImageCard
│ ├───ImageSearch
│ ├───Logo
│ ├───Navigation
│ ├───PopUp
│ ├───Products
│ └───Section