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Joakim Skoog edited this page Jan 24, 2024 · 4 revisions

A House is a house branch within the Ice And Fire universe.

Name Type Description
url string The hypermedia URL of this resource
name string The name of this house
region string The region that this house resides in.
coatOfArms string Text describing the coat of arms of this house.
words string The words of this house.
titles array of strings The titles that this house holds.
seats array of strings The seats that this house holds.
currentLord string The Character resource URL of this house's current lord.
heir string The Character resource URL of this house's heir.
overlord string The House resource URL that this house answers to.
founded string The year that this house was founded.
founder string The Character resource URL that founded this house.
diedOut string The year that this house died out.
ancestralWeapons array of strings An array of names of the noteworthy weapons that this house owns.
cadetBranches array of strings An array of House resource URLs that was founded from this house.
swornMembers array of strings An array of Character resource URLs that are sworn to this house.

List all houses


$ curl ""


        "ancestralWeapons": [],
        "cadetBranches": [],
        "coatOfArms": "A golden wreath, on a blue field with a gold border",
        "currentLord": "",
        "diedOut": "",
        "founded": "",
        "founder": "",
        "heir": "",
        "name": "House Algood",
        "overlord": "",
        "region": "The Westerlands",
        "seats": [],
        "swornMembers": [],
        "titles": [],
        "url": "",
        "words": ""
        "ancestralWeapons": [],
        "cadetBranches": [],
        "coatOfArms": "Gyronny Gules and Sable, a hand couped Or",
        "currentLord": "",
        "diedOut": "",
        "founded": "",
        "founder": "",
        "heir": "",
        "name": "House Allyrion of Godsgrace",
        "overlord": "",
        "region": "Dorne",
        "seats": [
        "swornMembers": [
        "titles": [],
        "url": "",
        "words": "No Foe May Pass"

Filtering houses

You can also include filter parameters in your request to the characters endpoint by including parameters in the query string.

Parameter Type Result
name string Houses with the given name are included in the response
region string Houses that belong in the given region are included in the response.
words string Houses that has the given words are included in the response.
hasWords boolean Houses that have words (or not) are included in the response.
hasTitles boolean Houses that have titles (or not) are included in the response.
hasSeats boolean Houses that have seats (or not) are included in the response.
hasDiedOut boolean Houses that are extinct are included in the response.
hasAncestralWeapons boolean Houses that have ancestral weapons (or not) are included in the response.

Get specific house


$ curl ""


    "ancestralWeapons": [],
    "cadetBranches": [],
    "coatOfArms": "A field of silver mockingbirds, on a green field",
    "currentLord": "",
    "diedOut": "",
    "founded": "299 AC",
    "founder": "",
    "heir": "",
    "name": "House Baelish of Harrenhal",
    "overlord": "",
    "region": "The Riverlands",
    "seats": [
    "swornMembers": [
    "titles": [
        "Lord Paramount of the Trident",
        "Lord of Harrenhal"
    "url": "",
    "words": ""
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