- When: 24th to 28th of January 2022
- Where: online
- Exploratory data analysis for movement data (J);
- Quantifying space use of animals with home ranges (B)
- Continuous time movement models (CRAWL) (B)
- Identifying different behavioral states in movement data (J)
- Introduction to habitat selection (RSF) (B)
- Integrated step selection functions (iSSF) 1 (J)
- Simulations from fitted iSSF (J)
- Integrated step selection functions 2 (B)
- Strategies to model multiple animals (J)
- Validation of models for habitat selection (B)
- Time for questions for your own data.
We will try to roughly use the following building blocks for each module (two moduels per day):
- Lecture that introduces the topic: ~ 40 min
- R walkthrough: ~ 40 min
- Break: ~ 10 min
- Exercise: ~ 40 min
- Break: ~ 10 min
- Discussion of exercises and presentation of sample solution: ~ 25 min
Between the modules we have a 30 min break (4:45 pm to 5:15 pm Berlin time)