Solved a puzzle (C++) using breadth-first search, depth-first search, iterative deepening depth-first search, and A-Star search.
The puzzle solved was the "chickens and wolves" puzzle.
Here is a link to the puzzle description:
NOTE: This program is meant to be run on linux system.
In order to run the program please...
Compile using the compile script by running
Run the program by running
"./Game.exe" {Start State File} {Goal State File} {Mode String} {Output File}
with the proper argumentsStart state files and goal state files all correspond based on number
i.e start1.txt corresponds with goal1.txt NOT goal2.txt
These starts and goals differ by having larger numbers of chickens and wolves to start with.Modes:
argument: name
bfs: bread-first search
dfs: depth-first search
iddfs: Iterative deepening depth first search
astar: A-Star SearchOutput file can be given as arbitrary file "Output". It is more useful as the size of the problem increases as there will be many more steps especially for a less efficient search.
See the "Programming Assignment 1.pdf" for an analysis of the algorithms on this puzzle.