This package provides easy api calls to MapBox Search API.
Also, it contains an static map image generator 😆.
Maki Icons can be used now in marker icon
Before 2.0 this library depended on Flutter SDK, preventing its usage on other platforms such as a backend, CLI apps, Dart2Javascript, etc...
Now all the Flutter related code, such as the MapBoxSearchWidget
was moved to a separated library: mapbox_search_flutter.
For that reason, you cannot use the Colors
class anymore on you Flutter project.
Instead use map_box_search's Color.rgb
constructor, passing the values as parameters:
var myColor = Colors.redAccent; //Flutter's Color class
var mapBoxColor = Color.rgb(,,;
First of all you must acquire an API key on the MapBox website
Then, add the following to your pubspec.yaml
mapbox_search: any
var reverseGeoCoding = ReverseGeoCoding(
apiKey: 'API Key',
limit: 5,
Future<List<MapBoxPlace>> getPlaces() =>
Location(lat: 72.0, lng: 76.00),
var placesSearch = PlacesSearch(
apiKey: 'API Key',
limit: 5,
Future<List<MapBoxPlace>> getPlaces() =>
placesSearch.getPlaces("New York");
MapBoxStaticImage staticImage = MapBoxStaticImage(
"API Key");
String getStaticImageWithPolyline() => staticImage.getStaticUrlWithPolyline(
point1: Location(lat: 37.77343, lng: -122.46589),
point2: Location(lat: 37.75965, lng: -122.42816),
marker1: MapBoxMarker( markerColor:,
markerLetter: MakiIcons.aerialway.value,
markerSize: MarkerSize.LARGE),
marker2: MapBoxMarker(
markerColor: Color.rgb(244, 67, 54),
markerLetter: 'q',
markerSize: MarkerSize.SMALL),
height: 300,
width: 600,
zoomLevel: 16,
style: MapBoxStyle.Mapbox_Dark,
path: MapBoxPath(pathColor: Color.rgb(255, 0, 0), pathOpacity: 0.5, pathWidth: 5),
render2x: true);
String getStaticImageWithMarker() => staticImage.getStaticUrlWithMarker(
center: Location(lat: 37.77343, lng: -122.46589),
marker: MapBoxMarker(
markerColor: Color.rgb(0, 0, 0), markerLetter: 'p', markerSize: MarkerSize.LARGE),
height: 300,
width: 600,
zoomLevel: 16,
style: MapBoxStyle.Mapbox_Streets,
render2x: true,
String getStaticImageWithoutMarker() => staticImage.getStaticUrlWithoutMarker(
center: Location(lat: 37.75965, lng: -122.42816),
height: 300,
width: 600,
zoomLevel: 16,
style: MapBoxStyle.Mapbox_Outdoors,
render2x: true,