A Meteorjs web application allowing users to create and participate in NCAA squares game. A beta version is currently hosted at squares.webhop.me.
Members of a board select their alloted number of squares within a 10 x 10 grid. When the owner locks the board numbers between 0-9 are randomly assigned to each row and column.
The column number represents the last digit in the score of the winning team and the row number represents the last digit in the score of the losing team.
e.g. if a selected square randomly got the column number 5 and row number 7, that squares would win any NCAA tournament game played where the winning score has last digit 5 and the losing score has the last digit 7.
From the root url select create board from within the newly created board page, a board owner can:
- Invite new users with a username and email, an email invitation will be sent to the specified email address
- Edit the board by selecting multiple squares and taking bulk assignment actions
- Lock the board at any time
- increase/decarease a specific users # of square or mark a user as paid
- install node, meteor, npm
- in app folder run
meteor update
, thenmeteor run
- setup port forwarding. test this by hitting the app via :3000
- get a DNS hostname e.g. from noip.com and link to your
- create a gmail account to send out invitation emails. Copy the mailSettings.config.js file in sb-base package and add you gmail username and password.