CLARIAH Interest Groups
The CLARIAH Interest Groups are groups of engineers that share a common ... well ... interest! In the first 4 years of CLARIAH ('CORE') researchers and engineers were united in Workpackages to garantuee perfect interaction among them, except for one work package. That particular work package was the connection between the engineers from all other WP's and tasked with the design of the overall infra-structure.
It shows however, that there is a demand for much interaction between the engineers and on a more granular level. Therefore, in the current tranch of CLARIAH ('PLUS'), we foster the cooperation of engineers and harmonization of the infrastructure through Interest Groups. We set out with a number of Interest Groups knowing that during the development of the project there may be need of alternative Interest Groups and some IG's might cease to exist. Below is the list of Interest Groups we will set out with, but this 'live' query will always be more up to date.
The interest groups are:
- Devops
- Preservation
- Security & Monitoring
- Audiovisual processing
- Text processing
- Annotation
- Linked Open Data
- Workflows
- Curation
- October 2020 - CLARIAH-PLUS Interest Groups Work Plan
- July 2020 - CLARIAH-PLUS: Roadmap and Call to Action
- October 2020 - Slides kick-off presentation (read-only)