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a simple React Application boilerplate which routes to different pages on user interaction, made from scratch using Babel, Webpack, React Router, Material ui 3.4

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React - Creating a boilerplate from scratch

React-16.6,React-Router-Dom-4.3,Material-UI 3.4, Webpack 4.25, Babel-7.1

There are many more boilerplates in the world, but this one differs by its simplicity and focus on what it needs This is a step by step guide to create a simple React Application which routes to different pages on user interaction.

Create a folder with name of your project, open command prompt

npm init
  1. Installing webpack and webpack dev-server
npm i webpack webpack-dev-server -save
  1. Install webpack cli
npm install webpack-cli -D
  1. Install Babel Babel is needed to convert the ES6 code and JSX code to traditional old javascript, inorder to make it run across all the browsers
npm install --save-dev babel-loader @babel/core @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
  1. Install React
npm i react react-dom react-router-dom –save
  1. Install Material-UI Material-UI is a popular framework that implements Google's Material Design using React Components
npm install @material-ui/core
  1. Configuration file Create a new file named webpack.config.js

  2. Install dotenv dotenv is a module which takes environment variables from .env file into process.env. npm install dotenv dotenv-webpack --save-dev

  3. Install css loaders for webpack as a dev dependency npm i css-loader style-loader --save-dev

  4. Install loaders for sass to process sass files as a dev dependency npm i sass-loader node-sass --save-dev

  5. Install babel presets

npm install @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react --save-dev
  1. Create .bablerc configuration file in the root of your project

"presets": [




"plugins": [




  1. Create an HTML file index.html in public folder
<!DOCTYPE  html>



<meta  charset="UTF-8">

<meta  name="viewport"  content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<title>My React App</title>



<div  id="app"></div>

<script  src="/bundle.js"></script>


  1. Create entry point for react application (app.js) and render the top level component in app div in the html
import  React, { Component } from  'react'

import {render} from  'react-dom';

export  default  class  App  extends  Component {

render() {

return (
			<h1>Welcome to React</h1>

render(<App  />, document.getElementById('app'));
  1. Create all the configurations in the webpack config file

var  path  =  require('path');

const  Dotenv  =  require('dotenv-webpack')
const  webpack  =  require('webpack');

module.exports  =  env=>{

const  isProduction  =  env  &&  env.production  !==  undefined

const  plugins  = [

new  Dotenv(),
new  webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()

  return {

			entry:  './src/app.js',


			output: {

			path:  path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'),

			filename:  'bundle.js'


			module: {

				rules: [{

				loader:  'babel-loader',

				test: /\.js$/,

				exclude: /node_modules/

			{	test: /\.css$/,

				use: [


					'css-loader', //translates css into commonJS

					'sass-loader'  // compile Sass to CSS using node sass by default



			devtool:  isProduction?'none':'cheap-module-eval-source-map',
			devServer: {

				contentBase:  path.join(__dirname, 'public'),

				historyApiFallback:  true  // this prevents the default browser full page refresh 		on form submission and link change
				hot:  true, //enable hot module replacement feature
					}, //end of dev-server configuration




  1. Specify scripts in package.json file
"scripts": {

"build": "webpack",

"start": "webpack-dev-server --open"


If all these steps are completed, the part 1 is completed, a basic skeleton of our react app is ready you can run npm run start which will open up our application in localhost:8000

Part 2


  1. Install webfontloader to self host custom fonts npm install webfontloader --save

  2. Create a separate folder styles in root of the project and create main.scss file

  3. in index.js file import the desired font from google fonts, or any other library

import  WebFont  from  'webfontloader';
import  './styles/main.scss';

google: {

families: ['Niramit:300,400,500,600,700', 'sans-serif']


  1. Make a small modification in webpack.config.js to load scss files, as in this project I am going to use scss
test: /\.scss$/,

use: [


'css-loader', //translates css into commonJS

'sass-loader'  // compile Sass to CSS using node sass by default


Now comes the interesting part, we have to setup the material ui framework 5. Install Material -UI Framework

npm install @material-ui/core --save 
  1. Install Material UI Icons library
npm install @material-ui/icons --save

Now its time to organize our project, React.js follows an atomic design approach, therefore we split everything into components Lets take a pratical scenario for example, we are designing a web application for 'Alphoqua' , this web app needs a header and a Footer. We need a header design first, we copy it form material-ui App Bar, 7. Create a Header.js component in the component folder and import it in app.js //put the image appbar 1 here

The default theme look sober and boring, why don't we create a theme by ourselves, it is posible in Material-UI 8. create a file to configure all the theme variables in a separate file in theme.js in config folder

import { createMuiTheme } from  '@material-ui/core/es/styles'


const  theme  =  createMuiTheme({

				palette: {

				primary: {

				// light: will be calculated from palette.primary.main,

				main:  '#4a148c',

				dark:  '#12005e',

				// contrastText: will be calculated to contrast with palette.primary.main


					secondary: {

					light:  '#c7a4ff',

					main:  '#9575cd',

					// dark: will be calculated from palette.secondary.main,

					contrastText:  '#000000',


					// error: will use the default color



		typography: {

				// Use any custom font instead of the default Roboto font.

				fontFamily: [






export  default  theme;


a simple React Application boilerplate which routes to different pages on user interaction, made from scratch using Babel, Webpack, React Router, Material ui 3.4






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