An example project showcasing the automation of web validation through the integration of Playwright and CucumberJS, utilizing the Page Object Model (POM) pattern.
We are using as the System Under Test.
- URL:
- OS : Windows
- IDE : Visual Studio Code
@tagRegression @P0 @validLogin
Scenario Outline: Login with valid credentials
Given I am on the login screen
When I fill the login form with valid username "<username>"
Then I should be able to see the home screen
| username |
| standard_user |
| problem_user |
| performance_glitch_user |
| error_user |
| visual_user |
@tagRegression @P0 @invalidLogin
Scenario: Login using vaild user but invaild password credentials
Given I am on the login screen
When I fill the login form with valid username "locked_out_user"
Then I should see error "Epic sadface: Sorry, this user has been locked out."
@tagRegression @P0 @invalidLogin
Scenario Outline: Invalid Login
Given I am on the login screen
When I fill the login form with "<username>" and "<password>"
Then Verify error message "<errormessage>" is shown
| username | password | errormessage |
| wrong_user | wrong_password | Epic sadface: Username and password do not match any user in this service |
| standard_user | wrong_password | Epic sadface: Username and password do not match any user in this service |
| locked_out_user | wrong_password | Epic sadface: Username and password do not match any user in this service |
| | | Epic sadface: Username is required |
Install the dependencies and devDependencies to run the test.
- Clone (OR) Download this repo as zip folder on to your local machine
- Navigate to project's directory on terminal and run the following commands:
Clone the repository
git clone
Install dependencies
npm install
npx playwright install
Run tests
npm run test
The report will be accessible within the "report" directory following execution.