- Aim: Reproduce the Nonreflecting boundary condition in paper “Partially reflecting and non-reflecting boundary conditions for simulation of compressible viscous flow”
- Ref: see here
- New: 1. add backward NRBC scheme;
- Sponsor:Dong
- Acknowledge:Cheng
const scalarField K(etaAc_*(1.0-sqr(aP/cP))*cP/lInf_);
- K:calculated relaxation constant
- etaAc_
$\approx$ 0.27 (to balance the dirft(etaAc<0.27) and non-reflect effectetaAc>0.27)) - lInf_: streamwise extent of the computational domain
- cP: calculated sound speed
- aP/cP: calculated Mach number
Time scheme | Link | Info |
Euler scheme explicit | sineWaveDamping01 | Ref01 |
Backward Scheme | sineWaveDamping02 | Ref02 |
Backward Scheme & p-sineWave & NRI-NSCBC | sineWaveDamping03 | Ref03 |
Backward Scheme & p-sineWave & zeroGradient | sineWaveDamping04 | |
Backward Scheme & U-sineWave & NRI-NSCBC | sineWaveDamping05 | |
Backward Scheme & p-triWave & NRI-NSCBC | sineWaveDamping06 | |
Backward Scheme & U-waveletWave & NRI-NSCBC | sineWaveDamping07 | |
Backward Scheme & U-waveletWave & NRI-NSCBC | sineWaveDamping08 | 2e-6(case07) vs dt=2e-5 (case08) |
The LusgsFoam solver could be found: https://github.com/furstj/myFoam , plase refer it if use it.
Time scheme | Link | Info | Time |
sineWaveDampingPimpleFoam-Euler | sineWaveDamping01 | Timeseries01 | 4cores,142.55 s |
sineWaveDampingPimpleFoam-backward | sineWaveDamping02 | Timeseries02 | 4cores,153.13 s |
sineWaveDampingLusgsFoam-Euler | sineWaveDamping03 | Timeseries03 | 4cores,34.11 s |
sineWaveDampingLusgsFoam-backward-iter10 | sineWaveDamping04 | Timeseries04 | 4cores,184s |
sineWaveDampingLusgsFoam-backward-iter50 | sineWaveDamping04 | Timeseries04 | 4cores,283s |
sineWaveDampingLusgsFoam-backward-iter100 | sineWaveDamping04 | Timeseries04 | 4cores,270s (converged) |
CaseName | cells in Z-direction | Link | Info | Time |
sineWaveDampingPimpleFoam3Dduct-basic | 115 | sineWave3D | too coarse mesh in z-direction, sinWave3D-plot-in-space | 64 cores, 2028 s |
sineWaveDampingPimpleFoam3Dduct-Z16 | 135 | sinWave3D | no-converaged, timeSeries space | 64cores, 2069 s |
sineWaveDampingPimpleFoam3Dduct-Z32 | 270 | sinWave3D | no-converaged, timeSeries space | 64cores, 4582 s |
sineWaveDampingPimpleFoam3Dduct-Z64 | 540 | sinWave3D | converaged, timeSeries space | 64cores, 10372 s |
CaseName | Link | Info | Time |
001-naca65-NSCBC-backward-sineWave-Ux1Uy1 | sinWaveCascade | xxx | 40cores, 0.0192 s, 153s |