Elastos Hive is an essential service infrastructure as a decentralized network of Hive nodes presenting data storage capabilities to dApps. And Hive nodes could be deployed to run by anyone or any organization.
To developers, we strongly recommend applications to integrate the Client SDKs (Java/Swift) to use the vault service from Hive Nodes instead of directly using the Restful APIs.
There will be the following category of APIs to Client SDKs:
Global APIs to query the information related to Nodes;
Management APIs for vault/backup lifecycles and payment subscriptions that could be called authorized applications;
Vault services access APIs to general applications.
To the general applications, it would support the following types of data storage services:
- Upload/download files;
- Structured data object access and store onto MongoDB;
- Customized Scripting to select other users to read or contribute the data.
Elastos Hive will keep the promise that users remain in total control of their own data and commit the practice on it.
Assumed the Docker and Python3 already shipped on your system. Otherwise, you need to install them manually. Generally, there is python3.9 already built inside Ubuntu 18.04. To Docker, you can run the following commands to install it:
$ curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
$ sudo sh get-docker.sh
$ sudo usermod -aG docker your-userid
Notice here: you will need to sign out from the target server and log in again to make Docker work effectively.
Download the latest version of packages and untar it onto your server. At the time of this writing, you can run the commands as below:
$ curl -fsL https://github.com/elastos/Elastos.NET.Hive.Node/archive/release-v2.0.1.tar.gz -o release.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf release.tar.gz
Enter into the source code folder, and directly run the command to install the Hive node service:
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://www.trinity-tech.io/hivenode/scripts/run.sh)" -s docker
After all the stuff has been finished, use the following command to check whether the Hive Node can work or not. In the case of success, it will display two container instances. One is hive-node, and the other is MongoDB.
$ docker ps
Run the next command to launch test cases to verify the deployed node at the same device:
./run.sh test
Run the hive node server in dev mode. It will support CORS for the developer. In product condition, we suggest developing a hive node behind some HTTP server like Nginx.
python manage.py -c dev runserver
Coming soon
After you deployed the Hive node in either way above, you can use curl to check whether it works or not with the following scheme command:
$ curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key":"value"}' http://your-hive-node-ipaddress:5000/api/v1/echo
Which would return something below in case that it's been running.
You also can open the Browser to input the following URL to see the version of the Hive node:
sudo chmod +x elabox.sh
sudo ./elabox.sh config
Note: You might want to configure hive .env file. If you firewall is turned on you may need to allow PORT 5000, IPFS node and proxy ports.
Access file /root/snap/ipfs/common/config. Add the following to json file and update the property your elabox ip.
"API": {
"HTTPHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": [
"http://<your elabox ip>:5001",
For Addresses:API and Addresses:Gateway properties make sure values are
"API": "/ip4/",
"Gateway": "/ip4/"
sudo ./elabox.sh run
Sincerely thanks to all teams and projects that we rely on directly or indirectly.
Welcome your contributions to the Elastos Hive Node Project.