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The samples operator installs+maintains the sample templates+imagestreams on a cluster

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The samples operator manages the sample imagestreams and templates stored in the openshift namespace, and any docker credentials, stored as a secret, needed for the imagestreams to import the images they reference.

On initial startup, the operator will create the default samples resource to initiate the creation of the imagestreams and templates. The imagestreams are the RHEL based OCP imagestreams pointing to images on Similarly the templates are those categorized as OCP templates. When details for obtaining the credentials for are finalized, we will begin defaulting to that registry for the imagestreams.

The samples operator, along with it's configuration resources, are contained within the openshift-cluster-samples-operator namespace. On startup it will copy the pull secret captured by the install into the "openshift" namespace with the name "samples-registry-credentials" to facilitate imagestream imports. An admin can create any additional secret(s) in the openshift namespace as needed (where those secrets contain the content of a docker config.json) needed to facilitate image import.

The image for the samples operator contains imagestream and template definitions for the associated OpenShift release. Each sample includes an annotation that denotes the OpenShift version that it is compatible with. The operator uses this annotation to ensure that each sample matches it's release version. Samples outside of its inventory are ignored, as are skipped samples (see below). Modifications to any samples that are managed by the operator will be reverted automatically. The jenkins images are actually part of the image payload from the install and are tagged into the image streams in question directly.

The samples resource includes a finalizer which will clean up the following upon its deletion:

  • Operator managed imagestreams
  • Operator managed templates
  • Operator generated configuration resources
  • Cluster status resources
  • The samples-registry-credentials secret

Upon deletion of the samples resource, the samples operator will recreate the resource using the default configuration.


The samples resource offers the following configuration fields:

  • ManagementState -- Managed: the operator will update the samples as the configuration dictates -- Unmanaged: the operator will ignore updates to the samples resource object and any imagestreams or templates in the openshift namespace -- Removed: the operator will remove the set of managed imagestreams and templates in the openshift namespace. It will ignore new samples created by the cluster admin or any samples in the skipped lists. After the removals are complete, the operator will work like it is in the 'Unmanaged' state and ignore any watch events on the sample resources, imagestreams, or templates. There are some caveats around concurrent creates and removal (see Config behaviors section).
  • Samples Registry -- Override the registry that images are imported from
  • Architecture -- Place holder to choose an architecture type. Currently only x86 is supported.
  • Skipped Imagestreams -- Imagestreams that are in the operator’s inventory, but that the cluster admin wants the operator to ignore / not manage
  • Skipped Templates -- Templates that are in the operator’s inventory, but that the cluster admin wants the operator to ignore / not manage

Config restrictions

When we start supporting multiple architectures, the architecture list is not allowed to be changed while in the 'Managed' state.

In order to change the architectures values, an administrator must:

  • Mark the ManagementState as 'Removed', saving the change.
  • In a subsequent change, change the architecture and change the ManagementState back to Managed.

The operator will still process Secrets while in Removed state. You can create the secret either before switching to Removed, while in Removed state before switching to Managed state, or after switching to Managed state (though you'll see delays creating the samples until the secret event is processed if you create the secret after switching to Managed). This is done to help facilitate the changing of the registry, where the user chooses to remove all the samples before switching to insure a clean slate (removing before switching is not required).

Config behaviors

  • Neither deletion nor setting the ManagementState to Removed will be complete while imagestream imports are still in progress. Once progress has completed (either in success or in error), the delete/removed will commence. Details on progress tracking can be found in the Conditions section.
  • Secret/imagestream/watches events are ignored once deletion or removal has started
  • Creation / update of RHEL content will not commence if the secret for pull access is not in place if using the default (ie SamplesRegistry is not explicitly set)
  • Creation / update of RHEL content will not be gated if the SamplesRegistry has been overridden.
  • Secret, imagestream and templates watch events can come in before the initial samples resource object is created … the operator will detect and requeue the event


The samples resource maintains the following conditions in its status:

  • SamplesExists -- Indicates the samples have been created in the openshift namespace
  • ImageChangesInProgress -- True when imagestreams have been created/updated, but we are awaiting acknowledgment all the changes were applied
    -- False when all imagestream changes are acknowledged -- The list of pending imagestreams will be in the reason field
  • ImportCredentialsExist -- A 'samples-registry-credentials' secret has been copied into the openshift namespace
  • ConfigurationValid -- True or false based on whether any of the restricted changes noted above have been submitted
  • RemovePending -- Indicator that we have a management state removed setting pending, resulting in deletion of all the resources the operator manages. Note that deletions do not start while are waiting for any in progress imagestreams to complete. This is set to true just prior to executing the deletions, and set to false when the deletions are completed. The associated ClusterOperator object for the Samples Operator will have its Progressing condition set to true when this Condition is true (though typically the deletions occur fairly quickly).
  • ImportImageErrorsExist -- Indicator of which imagestreams had errors during the image import phase for one of their tags -- True when an error has occurred -- The list of imagestreams with an error will be in the reason field -- The details of each error reported will be in the message field
  • MigrationInProgress -- True when the samples operator has detected that its version is different than the samples operator version the current samples set were installed with

CVO Cluster Operator Status

  • Available
  • Failing
  • Progressing

See for how these Cluster Operator status conditions are managed.


CRD instance for the samples operator config: oc get cluster -o yaml

Check the status of the conditions. (See above for details on those conditions)

In the case that a failure occurred during an image import, the Available cluster operator status will be FALSE. A cluster admin can attempt to rectify the situation by

  • Retrying the import via oc import-image <imagestream name> -n openshift --all; if successful, the operator will detect the success and clear that imagestream from the failure list
  • Add the failing imagestream(s) to the skippedImagestreams list; the operator will also clear the imagestream(s) specified from the failure list

Deployment, Events in operator’s namespace (openshift-cluster-samples-operator): basic oc get pods, oc get events, oc logs of the operator pod

Secrets: oc get secrets in the openshift namespace

Samples: oc get is -n openshift, oc get templates -n openshift … use of -o yaml on any given imagestream should show the status, and import errors will be noted there as well

Deletion of the CRD instance will reset the samples operator to the default configuration, but leave the current revision of the samples operator pod running.

If there is a bug in the samples operator deletion logic, to reset the samples operator configuration by stopping the current pod and starting a new one:

  • Run oc edit clusterversion version and add an entry for the Deployment of the samples operator so it is unmanaged
  • Scale down the deployment via oc scale deploy cluster-samples-operator --replicas=0
  • Edit the samples resource, remove the finalizer
  • Delete the samples resource, config map/secrets in operator namespace, samples in openshift namespace
  • Scale up the deployment via oc scale deploy cluster-samples-operator --replicas=1

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  • Create a git branch in your local copy of this repository
  • cd tmp/build
  • ./
  • Commit the changes and create a PR


The samples operator installs+maintains the sample templates+imagestreams on a cluster






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