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Jiji - CLI

Jiji-js is a command line for building mobile and desktop web applications
using Jiji-js Framework



npm install -g jiji-cli


ji [command] [options]
ji --help
ji new


  • ji new - create new application
  • ji debug - start server in default 8080 port with application pre-builded
  • ji build - build your application to dist directory
  • ji generate [type] - command for generate controller or index
    • ji generate controller [controller name] - command for generate new controller
    • ji generate index [index name] - command for generate new index


Show help


ji new

Use for create sample application :

$ ji new 
Which project name? : jiji-start
[1] Browser
[2] Mobile
Which platform? [1, 2, 0]: 1
CREATE jiji-start/jiconfig.json (440 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/package.json (3992 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/ (152 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/favicon.ico (34288 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/home/home.controller.js (4104 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/home/home.html.js (20576 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/index.html (25472 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/index.js (2096 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/public/icon/codersrank.svg (6080 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/public/icon/github.svg (6784 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/public/icon/instacart.svg (4840 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/public/jiji-js.png (460656 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/public/logo.png (4728 bytes)
CREATE jiji-start/src/style.css (159744 bytes)
✔ Packages installed successfully.
✔ Successfully initialized.
$ cd jiji-start

ji debug

Use for debug :

$ ji debug
Start build before starting debug server
App listening at http://localhost:8080

Go to http://localhost:8080

ji build

Use for build application :

$ ji build
Start build
Build Finished.
$ ls -la dist
total 96
drwxr-xr-x   7 jeremyguyet  staff    224 11 nov 04:39 .
drwxr-xr-x  12 jeremyguyet  staff    384 11 nov 04:39 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 jeremyguyet  staff  14149 11 nov 04:39 WNDIjwXd7PUFcEmarIhkXbav9vPLyQqY.js
-rw-r--r--   1 jeremyguyet  staff   4286 11 nov 04:39 favicon.ico
-rw-r--r--   1 jeremyguyet  staff   3236 11 nov 04:39 index.html
drwxr-xr-x   6 jeremyguyet  staff    192 11 nov 04:39 public
-rw-r--r--   1 jeremyguyet  staff  19968 11 nov 04:39 yGiszU55qkH8jeX8Rnb2bYotYQGHgozX.css

ji generate controller example

$ ji generate controller example
CREATE Controller /Users/jeremyguyet/project/
CREATE View /Users/jeremyguyet/project/
UPDATE Index /Users/jeremyguyet/project/
Controller example CREATED

The name of the controller can be a path During the controller generation you can add --index options for generate in same time an index in side controller generated.

ji generate index toto

$ ji generate index toto
CREATE Index /Users/jeremyguyet/project/
UPDATE Index /Users/jeremyguyet/project/
Index toto CREATED




CLI for jiji-js






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