Geow is a lightweight API for processing OpenStreetMap elements.
- Lightweight domain model
- Parsing of Osm files (currently xml is supported)
- High-performance binary serialization
- Support for geometric denormalization (i.e. Osm objects contain the full geometry)
- Efficient and flexible geo-hashing utilities
- Pbf support
SonaType deployment is under way. In the meantime you can use Geow by cloning the repo and building from source:
git clone
sbt update
sbt publishLocal
And then add the dependency to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.geow" %% "api" % "0.1",
Stream Osm files to process Osm objects. Currently files in .osm and .osm.bz2 format are supported. Pbf support is planned for the future.
import org.geow.parser.OsmParserFactory._
// create a parser from a file
val parser = createParser(fileName)
// pull openstreetmap data
for (elem <- parser) println(elem)
Serialize and deserialize Osm objects for network transfer.
import org.geow.model.serializer.OsmSerializer._
... parse or create an osm object element
val serialized = toBinary(osmObject)
val deserialized = fromBinary(serialized)
See the Benchmarks wiki page.
If you like to contribute, please create an issue and send a pull request. For more information on pull requests see the Github pull request tutorial.