Structure and program for reading *.wlk files which store meteorological data for Davis Vantage Pro2 meteorological station.
Create an instance from class WlkReader, where you can specify directory of the *.wlk files, start date and time from where onward to read, end date and time and whether you want unit conversion:
WlkReader wlkReader = new WlkReader(new File("C:/davisvan"), new DateTime(2012, 2, 5, 14, 0), new DateTime(2012, 7, 23, 16, 30), true)
And then simply read data by calling method readData:
List<DailyWeatherData> dailyWeatherDataList = wlkReader.readData();
The structure of the data is as following:
- DailyWeatherData:
- DailySummary
- WeatherDataRecord