Project Duration: 13/06/19 - 29/07/19
Our team observed that conducting group meetings can be a hassle due to conflicts in schedule, poor clarity of instructions and other factors. People tend to use communication platforms such as Whatsapp and Telegram to organise meetings, then having to manually sort out the common time slot for everyone. Meeting details are often lost in the flood of messages within the chat.
This stimulated the idea of formulating a versatile all-in-one event management mobile application which aims to coordinate group meetings, disseminate concise instructions and set reminders to alert users prior to the meeting. This handy application can be used to facilitate group projects, or even organise simple meetups to catch up with a group of friends.
Through LetsMeet!, we hope to allow our users to have a platform to better manage and effortlessly track all their group meetings.
The 4 features that LetsMeet has are the following:
User Login:
User Login on LetsMeet is done using Firebase Authentication, where users are needed to input a Username, Email and Password upon registration. The Username will be saved and displayed during certain feature usage. Eg. Chat Messenger. Registration is done with the requirement of a unique username, email and password, and a scan is done to check if the username has already been chosen.
LetsChat! (Chat Messenger)
Chat Messenger on LetsMeet is fully functional. Users can create group chats and invite other users to join, through input of unique Usernames. Communication and discussion can happen seamlessly without having the need to rely on WhatsApp and Telegram.
There is an option to clear chat data from personal view if the user deems necessary, for unwanted messages. Also, group creators are able to delete the entire group, with users having to exit it and previous chat data cleared. This is also only used when necessary.
LetsTrack! (Agenda List)
The Agenda List feature is one that helps to keep track of To-Do Lists, and important details during upcoming meetings. Users can Add, View and Delete their personal list. Each entry added includes a title, and users can remove the entry upon completion by input of the title into the delete function.
LetsOrganise! (Schedule Sync)
LetsOrganise is our most original feature implemented, where an Organiser can select a range of dates that he/she wishes to hold a meeting. Following that, he will then input the unavailable dates and time of his members. This function will then generate the list of possible date and time without clashes, which can be explored further by the Organiser.
An extension includes a MySchedule, where users can input the activities they have on various dates, similar to a personal planner. The meeting organiser simply has to add his members’ usernames into the Schedule Sync feature and with a simple tap of a button, common free time slots among the group will be generated for further perusal. One of the many possible uses of this feature will be the sync of personal NUS timetable schedules.