StretchSense is a global supplier of soft sensors. These soft sensors are perfect for measuring the complex movements of people and soft objects in our environments.
The StretchSense Android API has been developed to demonstrate how to establish a connection between a one or more StretchSense Fabric Evaluation circuits and a BLE enabled Android device. The platform was developed using android Studio 2.1.2 in Java with a gradle defaultConfig minSdkVersion 19 and a targetSdkVersion 22. This project and additional examples are available on StretchSense's Github Page
The StretchSense Android API includes a folder 'ble' 'with all the java files which can be included in an Android developed project to enable BLE communications with a StretchSense Fabric Evaluation circuit. The API also includes three example projects that demonstrate the usage of the library when connecting either a single or multiple circuits simultaneously.
This library has been developed exclusively for Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE), also known as Bluetooth Low Energy. Compatible devices and sensors are listed below.
Only the StretchSense Fabric Evaluation circuit is compatible with the support library.
BLE was first introduce in 2012 and requires a minimum operating system version of Android 4.3
The following device use Bluetooth 4.0:
- Google Nexus 4 and later
- LG G2 and later
- OnePlus One and later
- Samsung Galaxy S4 and later
- Sony Xperia Z and later
The 'StretchSense Bluetooth LE Android Communication Library' is available under the MIT License attached within the root directory of this project.
An empty project has been pre-implement with the StretchSense Android API. Use it for your own application.
If you've found an error in this sample, please file an issue on GitHub or contact [email protected]