Support for Jenkins 2.0
686 commits
to master
since this release
Jenkins 2.0 is out and you can enjoy it even more now that Build Monitor is compatible with it.
This release introduces:
- Support for Jenkins 2.0 and its new CSRF breadcrumbs, #215
- Further improvements to the font scaling algorithm so that Build Monitor is more readable, #196 and #214.
- Better handling of impatient proxies that don't give Jenkins enough time to respond, #197
- New configuration option to order projects by their last execution time, #113. Thanks to @Dudssource :-)
By the way, if you're interested in software craftsmanship, quality and modern delivery practices, you might want to check out my new blog at
As always - I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts and hope that you find Build Monitor useful!
Jan Molak
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