This is a service that you can implement on your Mac that will automatically turn off the WiFi when a LAN connection is present and has an IP address that is not locally assigned.
This version is compatible with Mac OSX, even the most recent versions
- Copy the 2 files "" and "com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist" to your Desktop.
If you don't want to do steps 2-8 line by line skip to the bottom and run the one liner, it will do all the things for you.
Make the directory of "NetBasics/" using this in shell:
`sudo mkdir -p /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/`
Move the "" file into that directory with this:
`sudo mv ~/Desktop/ /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/`
Make sure the file permissions are correct with this:
`sudo chmod 755 /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/`
Make the directory of "LaunchDaemons/" with this:
`sudo mkdir -p /Library/LaunchDaemons/`
Move the "com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist" file into that directory with this:
`sudo mv ~/Desktop/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist`
This file needs to be owned by the user "root" and in the group "wheel" for it to work, run this to do so:
`sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist`
You can either reboot your computer or run this to load the .plist:
`sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist`
Alternatively you can run this one liner and it does all of the things a once after you copy the files to your desktop:
sudo mkdir -p /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/ && sudo mv ~/Desktop/ /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/ && sudo chmod 755 /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/ && sudo mkdir -p /Library/LaunchDaemons/ && sudo mv ~/Desktop/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist && sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist && sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist; sudo rm /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/; sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist