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This is a service that you can implement on your Mac that will automatically turn off the WiFi when a LAN connection is present and has an IP address that is not locally assigned.


This version is compatible with Mac OSX, even the most recent versions

How to install

  1. Copy the 2 files "" and "com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist" to your Desktop.

If you don't want to do steps 2-8 line by line skip to the bottom and run the one liner, it will do all the things for you.

  1. Make the directory of "NetBasics/" using this in shell:

     `sudo mkdir -p /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/`
  2. Move the "" file into that directory with this:

     `sudo mv ~/Desktop/ /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/`
  3. Make sure the file permissions are correct with this:

     `sudo chmod 755 /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/`
  4. Make the directory of "LaunchDaemons/" with this:

     `sudo mkdir -p /Library/LaunchDaemons/`
  5. Move the "com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist" file into that directory with this:

     `sudo mv ~/Desktop/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist`
  6. This file needs to be owned by the user "root" and in the group "wheel" for it to work, run this to do so:

     `sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist`
  7. You can either reboot your computer or run this to load the .plist:

     `sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist`

Alternatively you can run this one liner and it does all of the things a once after you copy the files to your desktop:
sudo mkdir -p /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/ && sudo mv ~/Desktop/ /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/ && sudo chmod 755 /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/ && sudo mkdir -p /Library/LaunchDaemons/ && sudo mv ~/Desktop/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist && sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist && sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist
If you already have this installed run this to remove the old version:
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist; sudo rm /Library/Scripts/NetBasics/; sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.computernetworkbasics.wifionoff.plist


How to turn WiFi off in OSX






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