API under development and may change
This repository contains the end-to-end test network implementation of Bounties as described in our whitepaper (https://polyswarm.io/polyswarm-whitepaper.pdf). Offers are coming soon. All contracts in this repo are subject to change.
Bounties in PolySwarm give enterprises the ability to submit artifacts to PolySwarm and receive responses from experts on the maliciousness of artifacts. Enterprises can leverage the HTTP API as an interface for posting suspect artifacts to PolySwarm. Experts can use the same interface to stream bounties and post their assertions (opinions) on files of interest for which they have expertise.
There are several components of each bounty posted:
- Bounty fee which experts must pay to record their assertions
- Bounty amount which is the initial reward offered to experts for examining the file
- Artifact IPFS URI to fetch
- Deadline
- Bounty GUID
- Arbiter verdicts
Enterprises can leverage the HTTP API as an interface for posting suspect artifacts to PolySwarm.
Experts can use the same interface to stream bounties and post their assertions (opinions) on files of interest for which they have expertise.
An event-based API for streaming bounties is provided.
Assertions against posted bounties consist of:
- A bid against the bounty
- A determination of malicious-or-not (boolean)
- Optional metadata (such as e.g. malware family) which provides value-add to the bounty poster
Arbiters may settle bounties to trigger payment based on their determination.
Offers are a work in progress, but will represent a direct offer from an enterprise to a security expert to analyze an artifact. To issue an offer, the enterprise will open a Raiden-style channel with the expert and issue zero or more offers.
- Configure a private Ethereum testnet and an IPFS node
- Install Truffle with
npm i -g truffle
- Install Python3 and pip
- Fetch repository and all submodules
- Build truffle project
truffle compile
- Deploy truffle project onto (local private) Ethereum chain
truffle migrate
- Install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run server with
python3 polyswarmd.py
- Build a docker image from
, tag as polyswarm/polyswarmd
- Build a docker image from
- Run with
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
Upload an artifact curl -F file=@foo http://localhost:31337/artifacts
Get artifact curl http://localhost:31337/artifacts/QmTcKufUeYYdT4YYAZsv25FNdeJ9q2NyCKLW3CeN4H69fw/0
Unlock account (likely to change) curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"password": "password"}' http://localhost:31337/accounts/af8302a3786a35abeddf19758067adc9a23597e5/unlock
Post bounty curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"amount": "62500000000000000", "uri": "QmYNmQKp6SuaVrpgWRsPTgCQCnpxUYGq76YEKBXuj2N4H6", "duration": 10}' http://localhost:31337/bounties
Get bounty curl http://localhost:31337/bounties/5caa7538-3cb6-44ca-9def-ca0c87e6f0fa
Post assertion curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"bid": "62500000000000000", "mask": [true], "verdicts": [true], "metadata": "foo"}' http://localhost:31337/bounties/5caa7538-3cb6-44ca-9def-ca0c87e6f0fa/assertions
Get assertion curl http://localhost:31337/bounties/5caa7538-3cb6-44ca-9def-ca0c87e6f0fa/assertions/0
Settle bounty (arbiter) curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"verdicts": [true]}' http://localhost:31337/bounties/5caa7538-3cb6-44ca-9def-ca0c87e6f0fa/settle
This error message appears when you post an assertion that targets an expired bounty.