Play a xylophone using your mouse or keyboard!
Authors: Siddhesh Mishra & Jason Hillinger
Descriptions: Ever wanted to play the xylophone but couldn't afford one or people don't like listening to you play? This game is perfect for you, you can practice your playing on this website without disturbing anyone!
Requirments: What we wish to acheive in this project DOD (Done of Done):
- Every button should be clickable
- You can press each button using your mouse or keypad
- You can also press the button using your keyboard with its corresponding key
- Each press or click of a button should play a unique Xylophone sound
- Each button should have a label indicating which key is linked to it
- The key binds are easy and comfortable to use
Languages used: HTML, CSS, Javascript
sound sources:
keys: qwerty hjkl bnm
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