This is our entry for the Traveling Salesman Challenge. It employs an Iterated Local Search strategy with restarts.
We start by constructing an initial tour using the Nearest Neighbor heuristic with one level of look-ahead. Next we try to improve the tour by repeatedly perturbing it with double-bridge kicks followed by exhaustive 2-opt minimization. The kicks are allowed to increase the tour cost up to a specified factor.
The improvement process will stagnate, eventually. We detect the stagnation by measuring the time since last successful improvement, and restart the search when it exceeds a specified limit. The search is restarted from a new candidate tour, which is obtained by perturbing the best tour that was discovered so far. However, we only do this on the smaller instances, where there's a reasonable chance that the algorithm will reach a better tour. We observed that on the larger instances there is often not enough time left for the tour to get better after the restart.
data_40 | data_50 | data_60 | data_70 | data_100 | data_200 | data_300 | |
initial tour cost | 8788 | 8529 | 10585 | 15244 | 16421 | 37434 | 43695 |
cost after 30s of improvement | 7660 | 7308 | 9117 | 11863 | 13445 | 27420 | 37679 |
Ondřej Jamriška & Jenda Keller
The code is released into the public domain.