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Gatsby Contentful starter for creating a website for Covid-19 information

The index page of the Covid-19 starter blog

If you have information to share during the Covid-19 pandemic, we’re here to help. This solution enables organizations to quickly and easily publish a website. We hope to help communities stay better informed and connected in the midst of closures and quarantine.


This project is part of contentful-userland. We’re always open to contributions — you can be part of userland and contribute to the project after your first merged pull request. Learn more about how contentful userland is organized by visiting our repository.


You must have a Contentful account to use this project. If you don’t have an account yet, you can register for one at

The following instructions are helpful is you have Yarn installed. If not, please install Yarn.

Create with Stackbit

Use the "Create with Stackbit" button to easily deploy this project with just a few clicks. The GitHub project, the Contentful provisioning and the Netlify deploy will all be handled for you.

Create with Stackbit

Get the source code and install dependencies.

$ git clone
$ yarn install

Or use the Gatsby CLI.

$ gatsby new covid-19-site-template

Set up of the needed content model and create a configuration file

npm i -g contentful-cli
contentful login

For the next step, please refer to the Contentful account you have, as described in the Requirements section. You need the space ID of your contentful space. This can be found in any URL after logging into Contentful. Look for<space-id>/..., which should be a short alphanumeric code. Use this value whenever you see <space-id>.

rm static/_redirects
yarn setup

Command line dialog of the yarn run setup command

This command will ask you for a space ID, and access tokens for the Contentful Management and Delivery API. It then imports the content model into the space you define and writes a config file (.env).

Crucial Commands

This project comes with a few handy commands for linting and code fixing. The most important ones are those to develop and ship code. You can find the most important commands below.

yarn develop

Run in the project locally.

yarn build

Run a production build into ./public. The result is ready to be put on the static hosting you prefer.


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