This library is designed to associate with an arbitrary html element an javascript object and to provide a way to communicate between them.
Message passing between client and server (websockets).
To associate an HTML element with an object you need to add custom attribute "pi" to it, example: pi="pi/Button". This means that Button.js package will be loaded, instantiated and associated with this very html element.
Basic functionality is provided by processor.cs and Pi.cs modules. Processor.cs on load scan page for pi-elements, Pi.cs is a base class to inherit from.
Library provides:
- modularization (AMD-modules, managed by require.js)
- parametrization and configuration
- messaging (pub/sub, rpc)
- templating (doT)
$ bower install pi
Then point your web-server to serve files from sample folder as root. There is a complete sample project based on Perl Dancer:
PI relays on requirejs for module loading. Requirejs should be configured. The configuration sample file is located in conf/requirejs.js file. There we define relative to real paths mapping and requirejs "shims" -- workarounds for non-AMD modules.
Third-party modules used by PI should live in pi/ prefix like shown below:
paths: {
"pi": "lib/pi/js",
"pi/lib/jquery": "lib/jquery/dist/jquery.min",
"pi/lib/jquery-ui": "lib/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min",
"pi/lib/doT": "lib/doT/doT.min",
"pi/lib/bootstrap": "lib/bootstrap2.3.2/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min",
"pi/lib/URI": "lib/uri.js/src",
"pi/lib/markdown": "lib/markdown/lib/markdown",
"pi/lib/textile": "lib/textile-js/lib/textile",
"pi/lib/upload": "lib/jquery-file-upload/js/jquery.fileupload",
Shims for non-AMD modules force requirejs to assign a variable with module for later use and dependency for proper loading sequence:
shim: {
"pi/lib/jquery": {
exports: "jQuery"
"pi/lib/jquery-ui": {
deps: ["pi/lib/jquery"]
"pi/lib/bootstrap": {
deps: ["pi/lib/jquery"]
"pi/lib/markdown": {
exports: "markdown"
"pi/lib/textile": {
exports: "textile"
There is a sample folder with basic file layout. You can setup it with:
$ bower_components/pi/
Then just point a web-server to serve pages from sample as root folder.
The router.cs is the main processor, you need to load it with requirejs:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/requirejs/require.js" data-main="/js/init.js"></script>
init.js (a compiled version of init.cs) just loads our requirejs conf and instantiates the router.cs:
require ["../conf/requirejs"], (Conf) ->
require.config Conf
require ["router", "lib/jquery"], (Router, JQuery) ->
router = new Router
Every pi-element should be subclassed from Pi class. Let's define a button:
define ["pi/Pi"], (P) -> class Button extends P
attr: -> super.concat ["target", "click"]
init: ->
@rpc,, (->) if (ev) =>
@rpc,, ->
This allows us to make a live button with:
<div pi="Button" target="#target" class="btn">Button</div>
It defines the target attribute for html-element to be read and stored as, and sets up a click handler for element.
Here on click we just send a message to another pi-element identified by jquery-compatible css-selector target.
See more examples in src folder.