Here we collect cool touch bar presets for BetterTouchTool. Feel free to send your own configs in pull-requests. Do not forget to attach a screenshot (⇧⌘6) and write some description to this README.
After installing BetterTouchTool, you can import/export configurations from the Manage Presets button.
@vas3k: vas3k_btt_v2.json
- Smart Finder: opens a new Finder window in any situation
- Spotify Now Playing: shows the name of the track currently playing in Spotify
- VK and YouTube Now Playing
- Top reminder from
- Weather widget: temperature in current location (install JSON Helper and Location Helper to make it work)
- Coffee Break: lock screen button :)
- Convenient Play button: controls only Spotify and iTunes, not all that shit that macOS High Sierra do
@ad: ad_btt.json
Version 2 (with sliders):
Version 3 (System info group, battery info is moved to the group to reduce the consumption of system resources):
@ReDetection: redetection_v1.1.json
- Click on VK and YouTube widgets opens their specific tab
- Geeky weather
@podkovyrin: podkovyr_btt.json
- Auto-hidden next track button
Version 1: toxblh_v1.json
- Finder
- Bright up/down
- What now playing for iTunes, Spotify and VOX. Next by press.
- I want a coffee!
- Weather - Local the weather
- Volume up/down
- Play/Pause - Work only with iTunes, Spotify and VOX
- Battery status
- Time - simple a time
@surpher: xcode-dev.json
- Now playing for iTunes, tap to Next
- YouTube playing in Safari
- YouTube playing in Chrome
- Finder
- Xcode
- Git-Tower
- iTerm2
- iTunes/YouTube widget
- Coffee time!
- Volume down/up
- Mute/Unmute
- Play/Pause
- System Controls button group (preset)
@danruss: danruss_btt.json
- YouTube playing in Chrome
- Now playing in Spotify
- Reminders: Last Reminder
Presets Left:
- Finder
- Terminal
- Visual Studio Code
Presets Right:
- Coffee - Sleep Computer
- Volume Down
- Volume Up
- Brightness Down
- Brightness Up
- Weather - Weather Icon + Temp F
- Time - H:mm
@gillesdubois: gillesdubois_btt.json
Presets Left:
- Finder
- Visual Studio Code
- iTunes : Now Playing
- VPN Status - Tap to connect / disconnect (Tunnelblick)
- Weather - Weather Icon + Temp C°
Presets Right:
- Brightness Down
- Brightness Up
- Volume Down
- Volume Up
- Play / Pause
- Coffee - Sleep Computer
- Time - H:mm
@pavopax: touchbar-preset.json @ pavopax/dotfiles
Middle widget:
- iTunes song, click to jump to next
- Play/Pause
- Volume down
- Volume up
- Coffee - sleep screen (not sleep computer)
- Time as
h:mm a
- Hold
key to access expanded control strip or press it to toggle BTT/app controls if available, via hack from - search "You can still access the Control Strip..."
@vladionescu: simple_snake.json
- Emoji picker
Middle widget:
- Spotify now playing, click to jump to next
The next song title appears immediately, it doesn't wait for the now playing script to run on its timer
- Brightness down
- Brightness slider
- Volume down
- Volume slider
- Mute
- Lock screen
- Day Month Date
- 12 hour clock
The brightness/volume up buttons were omitted from the slider in the interest of saving space, and because I use the slider to adjust and not the buttons. The buttons are effectively just icons to remind what each slider is for.
@goldenchaos: goldenchaos-btt.json
Supported apps:
- Finder
- Safari
- Chrome
- Firefox
- iTunes
- Spotify
- YouTube (in Safari and as a Fluid app)
- Reminders
- Things 3
- Carrot Weather
- Calendar
- Fantastical 2
Nifty features:
- Fullscreen button also acts as esc key, stays docked to the left
- Hold down Option/Alt to expand the function shelf
- Emoji button toggles a scrollable emoji widget
- Date and Time widget toggles Fantastical 2 menu bar when pressed (uses Fantastical 2's default keyboard shortcut)
- Weather widget shows condition emoji + temperature in Fahrenheit, toggles Carrot menu bar when pressed (uses Carrot's default keyboard shortcut)
- Persistent Show Finder widget provides easy finder access
- Persistent Maximize Left, Center Window, and Maximize Right controls (with custom glyphs!) for window management
- Refresh button appears next to Forward and Back buttons if Safari, Chrome, or Firefox is open
- Media controls and iTunes/Spotify widgets appear only when iTunes or Spotify is running
- Now Playing widgets show currently playing song or "Paused" if iTunes/Spotify are not playing anything
- Due Today widget shows reminders from that are due today, overdue, or without a due date
- Reminders without a due date persist and automatically show the most recently added reminder
- Next Thing widget grabs your next reminder from Things 3
- Next Event widget uses icalBuddy to get just today's upcoming calendar events (requires extra configuration)
- Tap on any widget to open its parent app
For the Calendar widget to work properly, it must first be edited to include the names of calendars you wish to display. Replace my personal defaults with yours, and make sure you've installed icalBuddy. You can also configure the widget to display events for additional days, for example for up to a week, by changing "eventsToday" to "eventsToday+7".
@williamli (v1): williamli_btt.v1.json
Presets Left:
- (AppleScript) Finder, tell Finder to open in focus, switches Space if it has to.
- Terminal
- Safari
- Firefox Developer Edition
- SublimeText
- Evernote
- Notes
- (Widget) Show next todo for "Today" (if any) in Things 3, tap to launch.
- (Widget + all) Show the next appointment within next 7 days (if any), tap to launch Fantastical 2, can be reprogrammed to launch Calendar. Require free cli app icalBuddy to access Calendar info. Configured to use "Relative Date".
- (Widget) YouTube playing in Safari, tap to focus app / tab.
- (Widget) iTunes Now Playing, tap to launch iTunes.
- (Widget) Spotify Now Playing, tap to launch Spotify.
Presets Right:
- (Folder) Emojis 💩
- (Folder) App Switcher
- (Folder) Media Controls
- Ticking Clock - Week Month Date ⌚ Hour:Minute:Second
- Original blog post (EN)
- Original blog post (RU)
- Reddit: Share your BetterTouchTool touchbar shortcuts
Licensed under the WTFPL license. Full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.